The Roethlisburger
Recipe For Success
Ingredients: * 2 All Duce Patties *hines Ketchup* Plex Pickles* Lee Mayonnaise* Rand El Onions* Alan Friesanica Fries *palamalu Cheese* Tumanato's* Jerome Lettuce* Bell Peppers *sweet And Cower Sauce (on The Side) Served With An Ice Cold Cope-a-cola
Recipe For Success
Ingredients: * 2 All Duce Patties *hines Ketchup* Plex Pickles* Lee Mayonnaise* Rand El Onions* Alan Friesanica Fries *palamalu Cheese* Tumanato's* Jerome Lettuce* Bell Peppers *sweet And Cower Sauce (on The Side) Served With An Ice Cold Cope-a-cola