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The Disgrace of the Decade ......

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  • The Disgrace of the Decade ......

    Wisconsin / Ohio State 1/11/05

    Wisconsin wins by 6 after letting comfortable lead slip and missing 8 free throws with just over a minute remaining.

    It's now open season on that point shaving , pimple faced , Preparation H guzzling, goofy white plow boy and his peroxide cunt girlfriend.

    I didnt know that his skanky hoe actually sang the National Anthem before the game. Sickening , isn't she? I saw the highlights on Sportscenter late last night. Actually she could give 2 shits about the rendition. All she was doing was limbering up herself up so she could blow all those skinny white dicks in the locker room after the game. She's the team mascot and pump all rolled up into 1 big lop of crap.

    My theory: The Goofy White Wisconsin Guy ( from now on referred to as GWWG ) was a virgin .

    Henrietta Schlemiel ( I think that's her name or some fucking ridiculous country name like it ) seduces and fucks GWWG on New Years Eve.

    Naturally GWWG falls Ga -Ga in love with the team PIG.

    She cons him into shaving points to pad the numerous off shore accounts that she and his teammates use.

    It takes her 8 hours to make the GWWG understand the point shaving drill, but only after filling up 5 blackboards with diagrams, cartoons and graphs. Over and over she made him study Videos of Shaquille O'Neal doing his magic act at the free throw line. An Arithmetic tutor was even summoned in to collaborate. ( Actually all Henrietta needed to do was bring in Eric Dickerson to talk with GWWG and they would have saved 7 hours and 55 minutes )

    Smitten by his " true love " and one and only fuck he consents to break the law. Being under her spell he really had no choice .... she spreads Cheeze Wiz up her twat to keep him addicted.

    The rest is history. GWWG misses a bunch of free throws in the last minute ( real bricks , too ) while the camera pans in on Henrietta getting so hot over it that she rolls up her program, opens her disgusting mouth as wide as she can , and starts sucking on it. If you look close enough you can actually see her LACTATING

    Prediction :
    In a very short while he will become guilty over his wrong doings and Henrietta will dump him fast for yet another goofy white Badger numbskull virgin geek.

    Despondent and depressed , the GWWG will blow the whistle on his Ex .... recieve immunity ..... and wind up operating a hay combine in Iowa for the rest of his life at $6.50 an hour.

    Henrietta and the arithmetic tutor will be captured, tried, and brought to justice by the FBI with the assistance of the Nevada Gaming Commission.

    That's the story that you won't see on Sportscenter.

    Still LMAO and with NO Mercy For Point Shavers,

    I'm cb

  • #2
    Quit beating around the bush and say what you mean.
    Actually you have single handedly put a halt on me eating anything with cheese or processed cheese food again. My nachos will never be the same. I will probably start wetting the bed again and have to go back to a therapist, because of the vision you have planted in my head.
    Remember the three R's:
    Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


    • #3

      You use of the the words " single handedly " made me wet my pants laughing my ass off.

      If you need to go to a 'shrink" then you might as well have some laughs. Tell him ( or her ) that as an infant you were breast fed through falsies and see what they have to say.

      I prefer female shrinks - they're easier to con

      Like one time I told this long legged, big titted psychologist:

      " Doc, lately I have this uncontrollable desire to return to the womb " ..... " YOURS "

      I wound up banging her out right then and there on the sofa.

      Was that wrong ????

      Anyway be careful because some of them are pretty slick themselves. Like one time I walked in and the Doctor asked " What do you do for a living ?" I figured it was none of his damn business so I answered: " I'm an auto mechanic "

      The quack told me " Well in that case , get UNDER the couch "

      So anyway I still love to buy pornographic literature in BRAILLE and touch all the dirty parts.

      Moral of the story : When you go to pay the bill at the analyst's office and the receptionist says it will be $150 ... pay $75 . When she questions you about shorting her with the dough you simply explain: " The Doc told me I'm schizophenic .... collect the rest from the Other Guy"

      You see what I'm saying to you ? Lol

      Once my friend called me for advice . " What should I do , Neil ??? I have a hot date on Friday and my teeth are yellow "

      I told him to wear a brown neck tie .

      I'll cut off here ,Wall, because if I spend any more time I'll have to charge you $300 for the consult.

      LOL Best of Luck Buddy.



      • #4
        I believe games have been fixed and still always will be. The Refs are taking the money in the Pro Sports. You see it all the time. Especially the holding call that comes in late after someone breaks for a TD. They can call holding on almost every play. It comes down to you being on the fixed side or not. I lost $4000 on the Sunday night game when Oakland won at Denver. I had Denver-1 in a 3 team teaser and won the early one. I could of died on after the TD call that was not. But that's gambling, I quess!

