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No Matter What ....

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  • No Matter What ....

    race , creed or nationality ..... THEY are ALL shaving points when they're told to.

    Wisconsin - 8 missed free throws in just over a minute - most of them by that big white goof with his slut hoe in the stands betting the other side.

    LMAO and Congrats Ohio St. Backers.

  • #2
    They are probably taking lessons from their mentors, the LA Lakers.


    • #3
      can anyone say WGB in the second half the kid basically aimed for the shot clock on a free throw and the one after barely hit the rim and then Cl St. went on a 5-0 run haah this whole sport is bs
      Quitters Never Win, Winners Will NEVER Quit


      • #4
        most of them by that big white goof

        That is Phil Jr.'s brother you're talking about. But it does
        make sense. Phil Jr. told me this afternoon to bet on Ohio State no matter what I saw or heard.


        • #5
          Originally posted by CoverBoy
          most of them by that big white goof with his slut hoe in the stands betting the other side.
          This has to be the line of the night. Neil, its great to hear someone else say what I am thinking!!!

          I'm laughing my ass of right now!!

          Good luck,


          • #6
            thank the lord for the ho
            updated thru 4/04 play

            CFB: (0-1) 1.05 units
            NFL: (0-0) 0.0 units


            • #7
              LOL Guys

              Whether I'm on the right side or not I must tell you all that watching crimes being committed makes me nauseous. That's why I rarely view the games . I don't know why I tuned into the last 5 minutes. It was probably worse than the ensuing NYPD BLUE episode.

              As for that point shaving goof being a BC member's brother ... I'll forget I ever read that. No I won't LOL who am I bullshitting ? It's flat out disgraceful ... His hoe rolled up the program and was sucking on it like it was a big dick - unlike her boyfriend's miniature I'm sure. And Imagine a sister - in - law betting the other side against the family ?

              LOTSA LUCK



              • #8

                If I thought for 1 second that you were serious I'd never say those things. I think you just said that to give me the guilts so I called your bluff. If that player is a relative of a BC member than I'm truly sorry. But if he's not and you were fucking with me - that big white goof will probably get AIDS.

                Mo mercy for point shavers.


                • #9
                  hahahaha Love this game!!!!


                  • #10
                    i love the "point shavings" talk all the time. when players go into the locker room before the game do they have computers at their lockers so that they can see what the lines went off at? as for the badgers, I'm sure that the local books probably had the badgers at -8 or better, I don't know though.

                    But I'm not niave to think that point shaving this doesn't happen...but if they did get to the big loaf (and when you think about the fact that he is the leader of the team and doesn't have a flying fuck to make the nba he could look to make some money) it would be surprising but not impossible.

                    mbates....what are some other details man.
                    Get the best line possible....or you can just gamble!


                    • #11

                      MBATES is fucking with you. Phil Jr. is an african american.
                      I do believe this WI. player was white.


                      • #12
                        If Phil Jr. knew anything he would had Ohio State as one of
                        his plays last night instead of his other two losing plays.
                        MBATES stop messing around with Coverboy.

