California Sports (23-11-1):
NCAA (20-10-1, 5* 1-1, 4* 6-4-1, 3* 13-5): Regular Plays (3*)
Syracuse Orange and (3*) Middle Tennessee State Blue Raiders
NBA (3-1-0, 4* 1-0, 3* 2-1): PASS
The Duke on the hotline gave me UConn as his play. I had to talk him into giving me the play for free. He is a character. Already have Oklahoma and like it even more with his play. GL to all.
It's f**kin' cold and there's lots of snow--this sucks!
The Duke on the hotline gave me UConn as his play. I had to talk him into giving me the play for free. He is a character. Already have Oklahoma and like it even more with his play. GL to all.
Its too bad that Ralph Nader isn't into gambling and betting;if he were, he could expose flaming assholes like the Duke, Jack Price, Stu Feiner, Joh nny Demarco et al for what they are-scum sucking leeches.
Thank you to everyone for posting all the service plays, I know it isnt easy especially with some of the morons who come in here whining. Kicked ass tonight with Syracuse (Alatex superplay) and Godsey GOD (lol) Oklahoma. Thanks you guys rule