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My Record....

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  • My Record....

    I'll take the time to respond to this once. Snowball Pete is correct that all plays from yesterday were not posted at this site. I usually don't like to do it for this exact reason, but I did add plays later in the night. Some of those plays were posted here, some were not. I had issues logging on to BC last night so some were not posted here. ALL plays were posted at my site and my first update was emailed out to my email list. Later plays were not emailed because ***** would not allow me to email them out. I have over 100 people now on my email list for added or changed plays and ***** puts a limit of around 100 emails sent per hour to try to stop spammers.

    I bet this is the first time in over a year that I had plays on my site that were not posted here. If you pull all my posts for the two years that I have been posting here I think you will find that they are pretty damn close to whats posted at my site.

    The record I post here is my record of posted plays at my site and 99% of them are posted here as well. And if you thing those plays don't count, tell it to my bank account.

    My thanks to all of the supporters and to all the haters, FUCK OFF.
    Good luck,

  • #2

    As far as I'm concerned you don't need to explain anything. I've been here a year. Your intergriity is top notch. There's no classier cappers on this site than John.

    GL Buddy


    • #3
      John. If your records are correct 99% of the time, that would be more than anyone should expect. And yours are. The important thing is that you always post your record, so newbies know what to expect if they follow your hard work. I have much more respect for anyone who posts and updates their records than those who are too embarrassed to share how their plays have done.

      Records should not be posted just so someone can brag or make fun of someone whose record shows a cold spell. Anyone who truly wants to help others here make money, should feel an obligation to let those who follow their plays know where you are most successful and least successful. People's money is at stake and that should be the only reason for posting records.


      • #4
        Originally posted by frankb03
        As far as I'm concerned you don't need to explain anything. I've been here a year. Your intergriity is top notch. There's no classier cappers on this site than John.

        GL Buddy
        I will second that

        Fuck Him John. You do this to help out people. You don't owe anyone anything. :D :D
        1 of 1 Morons


        • #5
          hey buddy...

          im one of those people who just watch and RESPECT what everyone here does. i heave nothing to post since im new to capping. it was u, ez, who i found this site as i saw u talking to some guy on a nonrelated forum. i have followed u religiously and if u make a mistake or two, so what, thanks a million for all the hard work u do. NOT ONLY DO U POST HERE, BUT U MANAGE YOUR OWN SITE!!! :bounce1:


          • #6
            EZ -
            How can I get on your e-mail list?
            That would be a great help to me, days I work all day and cant see anyone's posts..... and you're one of the top posters here i would be honored to be on your list....
            "That ain't working, that's the way you do it... get your money for nothing and your picks for free"


            • #7
              Thanks guys.


              You can send me an email through my site and I'll put you on the list. I email out any plays I add after I post my plays.
              Good luck,


              • #8
                i'll second all those sentiments. i wouldn't even pay attention to it EZ.


                • #9
                  John, I've only been a member here since November, but have been monitoring this site, as well as yours, for quite some time now. I have learned through your site and this site here that you are a top notch guy. Snowballpete just wanted to stir the pot. He knows nothing about you to say that you are dishonest, or that he "lost all credibility with you." And all of this over a one day record error.

                  Snowballpete has a lot to learn. If you were so dishonest, why would 16 people, including myself, send you $50 via mail or Paypal for the Bowl contest?

                  Keep up the good work John. And if you are dishonest, don't spend my $50 all in one place. :christmas
                  "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                  is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"

