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  • Friday

    I'm on Boston laying the wood here.

    I don't like playing Boston games in general. I'll take the beaners here after their last aweful last second loss to Denver in their 1st home game back off a nice road trip. I think the traveling Utah team will be taken seriously as they beat up Boston pretty good here last year and Boston has a couple tough road games ahead of them after this one.

    Boston -6

    GL ALL
    Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.

  • #2
    Probably driving into a brick wall with this one....

    Don't know why this line opened at what it did and continues to move up with the way Houston has been playing defense of late. And GS isn't going to be on many highlight films for their offensive prowess. I'm thinking GS may be a bit on the tired side and will have their matador defense tuned up. Neither of these teams has been turning the ball over a lot lately, and neither has been forcing many. Hopefully GS is still in the run and gun mode style that they have been seeing recently.

    Over GS/Hous 181
    Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


    • #3
      Nice Call on Boston.

      I played the Over and we both got winners :D :D

      Nothing wrong with that Baby :D :D

      GL on the houston over
      1 of 1 Morons


      • #4
        Thanks Homer

        Boston had to make me sweat it a bit late :angryfire

        Hate betting for or against that team.

        I'll take tonight every night, with the stress :uzi:

        GL on your late action my man
        Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.

