I appreciate the picks and insight you all bring to this site. Thank you also Wayne for calling out rainman for what he is or should I say is not, which is a good capper, I just recently joined but have been viewing the site for about two months now. I once got scammed and paid a capper and am still regretting it as it seems all of em got a hold of my cell number and I continue to get calls a year later from services practically begging me to join...Anyhow thanks for pointing out the scammers on here, I will continue to follow your picks and wish all of you luck, I would never blame you or bash you on losing picks as it is completely up to me in the end to bet the play...once again Good Luck to all the players on here
I will be on UAB tonight as I feel that they are a pretty decent team and can keep the game respectable with OSU...
I will be on UAB tonight as I feel that they are a pretty decent team and can keep the game respectable with OSU...