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*** Sunday

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  • #16

    Well, that is the art of middling. 3-0 just on that game. 7-4 and up 31 units for the day. Wish every day would present "true" middling opportunities cause they can be easy to spot when there is. Now 5 days in a row. Nice winning streak going.

    ***MBATES- That was a simple type error and I caught and changed it way before tipoff. Its the first time ever and at least I caught it. So, there was no need for the halftime comment. I really don't know why people are being so testy as of late. I keep trying to do the best I can for everyone and it goes so unappreciated. The info I'm sharing is as valuable as it gets.

    Also, as far as posting more plays and stronger plays; when football season is over basketball is the main focus in Vegas, so all the games become more relevant as more money is bet on them.

    BigJim thanks for your kind words. Its people like you that keeps bringing me back to post my plays. Also, Kosmo. A pure class act he is. He is objective as objective gets.


    • #17
      ***, it was a joke. I could care less what you type. I'm a big boy,
      I make my own decisions. I'm making the bets for myself, not
      you. So I'm the only one to blame if I win or lose. Maybe its you
      thats being testy. Tell me have I ever gave you shit before? Do
      I ever say anything negative about your picks?


      • #18

        Mbates believe me, you are definitely a reason that I come here. It just gets exasperating you know. People want cake and their ice cream to (not referring to you). I try my best to share my plays. So, thanks for your kind words and hope you have a nice winning week coming up.


        • #19
          ***, I always respect your plays. Alot of times I'm with you,
          sometimes not. This site is a class act. You would never be attacked at this site like you are at wag-----e. I appreciate
          everything you bring to this site. You can't be uptight all the time.
          Add some humor to your posts. It'll make it alot more fun for you.
          Don't let the minority of people at the other site get you down.
          Blow it off, you try to do your best at this site to make people
          win. I know its frustrating for you, your plays are going against
          Joe Public all the time. The minority of Joe Public are only
          lashing out at you because of frustration from losing. Deep
          down in their hearts they know you are right and they are wrong.
          They just aren't men enough to post it. You just keep posting
          your plays here and have fun at this site. I post at other sites
          also. Theres just something about this site that keeps me here.
          I feel we have a great group at this site with very good administrators running and monitoring what goes on here.

          Sincerely Yours


          • #20
            that would be 21 units plus for the day and not 31. Also just for the record your unit system is a joke, why dont you just make the games 100 unit plays, so that when you have a good day it will show tons of units plus making it look bigger then it actually is. You should be using a 1, 2, or 3 unit system and stop the bullshit of 10x, this and 10x that. Am not saying your plays are bad, just your unit system sucks, because your risking way to much of the bankroll for one day.


            • #21


              If I'm wrong forgive me. But, I doubt if this is a coincedence that the same exact language, writing style, and handle that bashed me on the other site now comes here to bash. Amazing how people are backseat gamblers. Using words such as "suck" is pretty harsh. Now you admit my plays are good but my system sucks. To funny. Pretty funny my systems works EVERY SINGLE month. And by the way, are you so special that every gambler should bet the way Bob wants to? Ever hear of freedom to do what one wants to do. And sarcastic comment to put 100 units. Lets see most people rate games up to hundreds of units but my max is 10, but my system sucks. Why not pick on others. I use a consistent rating system and don't go above a 10X. But, I'm glad you found me again. Did you really think I would have went down by now?

              So let me do what works for me and you do the same. You won't catch me telling you suck, etc.

              Trust me, if I ever lost for a month I'd ask others for advice. But, I doubt that ever happens.

              Yes, I have an ego when it comes to this, but believe me I'm definitely the type that asks for advice al the time in other realms. You get ahead in life by following the best and wanting to become the best, not by denial and self delusions as if are good at something your not. That's why Kobe is the best now. Other players in a delusion of grandeur thought they had no weakness, etc. Kobe said for me to be the best I have to take from the best (jordan). And thats why he developed Jordan's turn around. So I suggest you do the same and learn from me through my picks. I'm sure you want to rebuttal with curse worlds like the other site, but not here. Has to burn you that I'm still winning.

              On a serious, just kidding with you. But, I think its best to give advice to people who are losing. Doesn't it make more sense? Its like Phil Jackson trying to teach Kobe to play instead of teaching a bench warmer.

              But, I know you don't like my attitude, but its confidence. Only if you knew how humble I am in life. If you do other investments and succesful, I'm always looking for advice. Best of luck to you.


              • #22

                and remember- "One can never be to succesful"..Always strike to be the best. Don't worry about others. Worry about yourself.


                • #23
                  I did notice that. He doesn't take into account the juice when he says he's up or down. If you win a 10 unit bet, then you lose a 10 unit bet, your down 1 unit!

                  I also noticed that *** had another winning week. Not big, but a winning week. Gotta admit he said he wouldn't have two losing weeks in a row and he came through. His unit system is a joke, unless one has the stones to play them. And it takes MAJOR balls to play the units he's talking about.

                  Keep it up, ***. We are ALL rooting for you to win and win big. I've said it before, it's fun to follow your action since there is so much of it every day. Maybe more people would be able to enjoy your prosperity if you posted just a couple of minutes earlier. If you posted by 6:55 for a 7PM game that would at least give most people a chance to race to put a bet in so they could ride with you...when you post at 1 minute 'til tip, it's impossible! Just a thought.

                  Good luck as always. Look forward to another winning week.
                  Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


                  • #24
                    Let me try to give a quick scenario for unit rankings:

                    *** posts 10* as his highest plays so if you wanted to do a unit system to follow him you would base your highest play on his 10*

                    In other words if you normally bet $50 a game then you could adjust a 10* his to $100 which comes out to 2x your normal wager.

                    5* would be a $50
                    2* would be $20 etc.


                    • #25
                      Agreed! I think one thing that gets lost in this is that 10X doesn't mean 10 dimes. It's just 10 units, so whatever unit plays you're used to is what you play. *** doesn't lose any sleep over anyone else's plays, so that should stand for everybody. Play what you like. And if Mbates posts a pick, bash the hell out of him, he likes it. The great thing is now at about 10 minutes before 7 every weeknight the site gets crowded with everyone waiting breathlessly for ***'s plays. He gets 1000 hits a day on average!
                      It's awesome. It's fun to follow along....and when he loses it's fun to see who bashes him. But it's better when he wins.
                      Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


                      • #26
                        Keep posting those picks ***. I enjoy seeing what you have to say daily. I have been looking at doing the same strategy as you, but seems Joe public has been picking some winners lately. The whole Vegas system is set up to be 50-50 in the end, with them collecting the juice. Only the best cappers will be somewhere around 60-40. Will keep following along. Good luck to you.



                        • #27
                          I Have a question for you?

                          ***, I am one of the people who follow your plays everyday. And I have said on a couple of occasions how much I appreciate you posting your plays for rookies like myself. When I started gambling on Basketball I did not know it would be so much WORK!!! My question to everybody, Is there a system out there that a rookie like me could get a hold of to teach me how to handicappe College Basketball? This is my first year doing it and the way I am coming up with my picks does not work on but about a 40% winnings. As everyone knows at that rate I will be broke very soon. If there is anything that is out there please e-mail me and let me know where to find it. Kosmo, Thank You for running such a great board. Those other ones get on my nerves with all the bashing. Thanks also to all the veterans like mbates, casheasy, sportstipster, ***, etc...
                          Every Man Dies, But not every Man Lives!!!


                          • #28
                            Technically speaking, systems are usually crap! However, a set of rules to bet by is good to have. While you are developing a set of rules, try betting as little as possible or just track potential wagers (writing what you would bet down, but don't play any $) until you feel confident.
                            A set of rules is usually common sense stuff. Instead of playing Kentucky -8.5 yesterday "because I just think they'll kill 'em!", find a logical reason to bet them or against them. Is this number (8.5) a good number? Or a number that is high because the public finally caught on and is betting the hell out of KY? You could have a rule that you'll only bet the better team if it's a manageable number. It's up to you what that is....
                            See how tricky it can be? Just follow along with what happens throughout the season and get a feel for some teams. It's ALMOST impossible to track all the teams. I've had my eye on the Big 10 this year, and have done well betting on or against Minn, Mich, and Iowa. I've got a sense of how good those teams are and how they respond to situations (coming off a win, etc).
                            The best thing to do is bet little when you think you like a game, and bet more when you're certain you've nailed it. I also bet more on underdogs as a rule since backdoor covers happen more often than frontdoors. Otherwise, follow the cappers here and pick three you trust the most. Follow their lead.....
                            Good luck!
                            Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


                            • #29

                              Thanks alot for your response. I have been trying to do that with the ACC, with some sucess. I am from SC so I follow them. That makes alot of sense what you said. Thanks Alot for the advice and the help you give me by posting. Good luck this week Buddy!
                              Every Man Dies, But not every Man Lives!!!

