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  • Pittsburg!

    See alot of people taking Jacksonville Be careful Pittsburg trying to keep home field conference game ? I personally would ride those Steelers to the end ! Just some food for thought!

  • #2
    Go Steelers

    I have to agree with ya, every one is looking for the upset, Pits might be a little banged up, but if they can stick with their solid D, and penetrate Jax front line and put some pressure the their Q who is still recovering, look for the pitsburcg stomp!
    Pits minus the points, not sure how to play the over under though, the over under has killed me the lat 2 times

    good luck to all,
    take your time, hurry up, the choice is yours just dont be late.


    • #3
      Jags take it

      That rookie QB for pitt has really cooled off in recent weeks. The d-coordinators have film of him now and they are controling him. Pittsburg wins on the ground and the Jax d will be up to the test.


      • #4
        Pittsburg has had a tremendous year this year...that said, they have been fortunate enough to catch every team they have played "at the right time"...they still had to get it done on the field and did - hats off to them...however, I don't believe the scheduling of this game Sunday night fits that bill...and I will let the line get to 3.5 or 4, and will gladly take the points and watch jax cover the spread, and in all likelihood win the game outright...


        • #5
          Over Under

          ok, ok, every one has their thought process and opinion, well just have to wait till game day to see who the big dogs are, (Steelers)!
          well see either way its going to be one of the better games this weekend.

          What are your thoughts on the over under on steellers\ jax??

          any thoughts on the greenbay and philly game? battle of the QB's

          Good luck to all $$
          take your time, hurry up, the choice is yours just dont be late.


          • #6
            I would go with the under. Steelers offense has cooled down in the previous weeks (beating Bengals by 5, Redskins by 11(?)). Jaguars offense isn't that explosive either and throw in the fact that Leftwich came off of his injury not too long ago.

            Plus, both sides have a good-great defense.
            NBA: 16-12-3
            NCAAB: 2-7
            3 Team Teaser (8 BB/10 FB): 1-0

