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Pittsburgh C.O.V.E.R.S. by a late SAFETY!!!!

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  • Pittsburgh C.O.V.E.R.S. by a late SAFETY!!!!

    Just like I said, Pittsburgh C.O.V.E.R.S. and WINS again.

    I can see it now, Big Al's GOY next Sunday Washington Redskins.

    I'm sure 90% of every other service will be on the same thing!!!

    When will everyone learn??? The Steelers don't HAVE to lose!!

  • #2
    how can big al still show his face???????


    • #3
      Don't forget-if I am not mistaken, Big AL had his baseball GOY in July on the Arizona Diamondbacks, the worst team in baseball d on a big losing streak, and playing horrilbe against LA. Final socre La 10- Arizona 3.
      ps I am sure Big Al had OTHER Goy's besides that one, but that one stands in my mind.


      • #4
        When will everyone of these services learn. NEVER. They play the odds every week that someone is due to lose. Last year I rode NE all the way to Superbowl and bet against Steelers almost every week. Why, cause they stunk, just like SF this year.
        Again Pgh, Phila, Indy, Den, Balt. and SD, the cream of the crop rise to win and cover. I wouldn't be surprised if NE puts an asswhippin on KC tomorrow.
        Plexiglass getting hurt could hurt their passing game for awhile.
        Nice week bud.


        • #5

          services want to make me PUKE. I wish they would all go out of businees all they do is FUCK my picks UP!!


          • #6
            Chuck-maybe some of those dumb services figure it is not so bad to lose,as 1) the losing customers will come back trying to get even at least with the same service, and 2) the service will receive kickbacks from whatever offshore it is affiliated with.
            Not a bad deal-give out some plays that lose, not to bet the games yourself and receive payments from the same customers at least twice and a kickback from the offshore which took the customer's money.:D


            • #7
              services???? cant someone just like the bengals on their own w/o the help of a service. i like a respected capper on this site believe that pitt is due. anyone who doesn't think so is a liar and oblivious to what happens every week in the nfl. if anyone watched the game, pitt quit with 6 min. to go and was conceding a three point win. i forgot to take into consideration the ov/un for intentional grounding in this game was 100. never seen it called like it was in this game. oh well...guess everyone on this thread loves pitt next week???? i need a winner on sunday for once
              its easy to grin when your ship comes in...


              • #8
                I couldnt agree more, there were a lot of handicappers from this site on Cincy too, and even though Pit got the backdoor cover, Cincy shouldve covered and IMO was the correct side, but things like that happen...


                • #9
                  All I know is that it is not EVER a good idea to go against a team in ANY sport when they are hot and covering the spread.
                  Sure it was lucky that Pitt. got a safety, but thats the kind of thing that happens when everything is going your way.
                  The rule is go WITH teams on a streak but NEVER against; them;trust me you will do better over the long haul that way.


                  • #10
                    Excellent choice of words Savage. That's why year in and year out those close games that hot teams win by are generated by the putting themselves in the position to not lose. Pgh got the safety not by a fluke call, but by covering all the receivers downfield so that the QB holds onto the ball too long and the line has a chance to sack him. That's called studing hours of game films and knowing what teams do out of certain alignments. Things just don't happen all the time just because it happens, and if anyone thinks they do, then they don't know anything about playing sports. The holding call on Pgh earlier TD that was called back. Shit there is holding every play. They should have put the game away earlier in the fourth quarter. The refs will keep close games close, they always do.


                    • #11
                      i totally agree with you savage but christ almighty can i be on the righ side when the streak ends?? wash and pitt this week, all services like this thread has said will have wash as a non conference goy - do i get greedy and play the streak or play the skins???? maybe i will make a run on the saints - after blowing to denver i am sure they will rock the atl with that solid defense and offense that makes no mistakes.

                      chuck l - do the saints have a vcr to watch tapes???
                      its easy to grin when your ship comes in...


                      • #12
                        Ive been a long time steeler fan . I TRY NOT TO BET THEM BUT THAT WIN WAS DOUBLE SWEET! MY STEELERS WIN SUPER BOWL AT 200-1 FOR 100$ IS LOOKING REALLY GOOD!


                        • #13

                          This could be the week that Pgh don't cover, I didn't say lose the game, I said not cover. The opening line today is 10.5, that's a lot of points to give any team. But then again do you risk taking Wash, who got blowed out at Phila? I'll probably play the Steelers this week on a teaser just like I did with Phila last week.
                          Hang in there and keep plugging away.

