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Server Downtime

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  • Server Downtime

    Ok, the old server went down today due to a hard drive failure. So it's been replaced and hopefully this may prevent the slowness of the sites. Along with something called a duplex problem. Not sure on the Duplex problem though until the sites have been up and running for a longer period of time.

    Just seems like its one thing after another as I just spent $4k on that new server and this old one is only 17 months old and having hardware failure. The old one ran me around $3600.

    Seems like a never ending problem.

    So please support the site sponsors so I can continue to do the appropiate updates on the servers to keep everything running smoothly.

    Fingers Crossed!!

  • #2
    Thank you, Monte!! This is a great site, and will only get better because you run it the way it should be run! Congrats on a (hopefully) successful upgrade and continued success to you!!



    • #3

      Would it make any difference if I used the link to Pinnacle on your site rather than using my link? As far as hits?


      • #4
        Thanks for your efforts BC:D

        Computers suck hind tit
        Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


        • #5

          I am not sure about your sponsers and how you make money but if every body who is a member sends a few bucks your way per month to help with your cost. I would have no problem with that. The cost of running a company is not cheap. The information we get here is very helpfull. Good luck


          • #6
            WHEW! For a while, I thought they blocked me from getting to your site!

            GOOD job, BC!


            • #7
              Just an FYI but it appears that my original server is dying on me. So the server will be down here in a little while as they are installing another drive to back up the data in case the server dies so I won't lose any data.

              Next solution is that i'm going to have to replace this server with a new one.

              This sucks as I just spent $4k on a new one now I have to buy another one to replace this one.


              • #8
                no warranties of any kind? If not that is crazy!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wayne1218
                  no warranties of any kind? If not that is crazy!
                  Hard drive has a 5 year warranty so that's no problem. Other problems are past the warranty as they would run anywhere from 90 days to 12 months. The server is about 18 months old.


                  • #10

                    Thanks for all you've done!


                    • #11
                      Server should be going down for a while as a backup is needing to be done on the database before this server hardware fails.


                      • #12
                        I would seriously consider firing whomever managers your server. These down times are inexcusable.

                        First, if a concern was preserving data then why wasn't daily backups done? Also, backups can be done with users on the server. If daily backups were performed the downtime today would have been decreased because an incremental backup could have been perfomed.

                        Second, one would think with a site of this magnitude RAID 5 would have been employed with hot swappable drives and redundant HW?

                        My servers are RAID 5 with four hot-swappable HDs. The cost is relatively minimal compared to being down for hours. In the long run it cost you much more. I do daily backups with a two week cycle. I also do daily backups of critical databases half way through the business day.


                        • #13
                          I;m all for donating money to this site..100.00 one time fee or something ..i know you (monte) are doing a hell of job on this site(the best site on the web) but it gets very FRUSTRATING at times trying to get on here, to post and get the plays...Just my suggestion sure every little helps you out...


                          • #14
                            I agree each person paying some kind of one time fee. Right now there's 86 members and 133 guests. If they had to pay say $10 to be able to view the site that's $2190. Alot of people wouldn't just come in , not register and sit there all day to get service plays. A onetime fee would help and keep the worthless out.


                            • #15
                              excellent job! We all support you!!

