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2004-05 NBA System Plays

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  • 2004-05 NBA System Plays

    I did this System here last year for the whole season. It held true to form and made us some nice cash going (34-21-1). I have done my homework and have them ready for this year. I usually post them 5 or 6 at a time so we don't get to far ahead of ourselves. I will date and number threads as the season goes on.

    It's the East Coast West Coast Trend,System. Central and Mountain Time Zone teams are never a part of this System. You simply play against an Eastern Time Zone team in their First Home Game after a Western Time Zone Road trip. You do the same when a Western time Zone team goes to the Eastern Time Zone to play then comes home. You play against them in their first Home Game back from the trip. People have said that the biological clock takes a little time to catch up from the 3 hour difference and those trips are long, meaning when players get home they are busy catching up on business and things with the wife, girlfriend, kids, etc. Basketball takes a back seat for a few days. Teams usually come out very flat in their first home game after a cross country road trip. A team only needs to play at least one game in the opposite 3 hour time zone. It doesn't matter if they start or end the trip there as long as they traveled that far at some point in the road trip.

    ALOT of dogs win outright in this System and a ML play is never a bad option either when available. I don't have the numbers but most will remeber ALOT of road dogs winning outright last season.

    This System will have a total of 51 plays for the Season. How many other System's have every pick for the Season mapped out already? We do!

    These are all the plays for November (Plays 1-10). Play the team listed beside each date.

    November 9th = Cleveland WINNER

    November 13th = Toronto WINNER

    November 16th = Toronto LOSER

    November 17th = Minnesota LOSER

    November 17th = Chicago LOSER

    November 17th = L.A. Clippers LOSER

    November 19th = Seattle WINNER

    November 26th = New Jersey

    November 28th = New Jersey

    November 30th = Charlotte

    This is how the system did in stages of 10 last year.

    (8-2) first 10
    (3-7) second 10
    (6-3-1) third 10
    (7-3) fourth 10
    (6-4) fifth 10
    (4-2) final 6

    I have them all written down and will post as they come up.


    Last edited by wayne1218; 11-23-2004, 06:03 PM.

  • #2
    System Plays (2-1)

    November 17th = Minnesota +5

    November 17th = Chicago +7

    November 17th = L.A. Clippers +4



    • #3
      holy sh!t, 3 of them tonight!!!

      i took LA last night, just because that's the way i capped it. but i'll check your system tonight.

      GL Buddy.


      • #4

        The Lakers last played in Houston so how does this system work. I'm not sure the system can ignore that game. Houston is a central time zone team so they would already have adjusted from the east to the central.

        Please explain.


        • #5
          Read this thread as i've answered this many times before.


          • #6
            It clearly says that it doesn't matter where they start OR FINISH the trip as long as they were cross coast at some point. It still doesn't make of for kids, business, wife, etc.


            • #7


              • #8
                gl luck tonite on your system w/ you on the plays. and as usual we appreciate the plays!! the mudman


                • #9

                  I know you said nothing is supposed to change the terms of the bet, but what if one of the players doesn't have kids? Or if they have kids but they are staying at grandma's house? I live on the West Coast and know that sometimes when the Santa Ana winds blow I get really bad allergies....what if a bunch of the wives get allergies too and don't wanna give up the honey?....that could change the parameters enough, right? And how about if there is a storm that causes the plane to land in the Midwest where the players have a chance to somewhat re-adjust to the time zone?.....that could change things, right ? :D :D :D


                  • #10
                    mouse is anyone forcing you to play this system? Make the adjustments you need to make and place your wagers. All those things happened last year too and it went (34-21), this year (2-2) so far. Bet what YOU like.



                    • #11

                      that was meant to be a joke Wayne. You know, to poke fun at the people who couldn't just take your advice (like me) and run with it. I really have to work on my online delivery.


                      • #12
                        Nov 19th

                        Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


                        • #13
                          Chalk up a WINNER for Seattle!!!


                          • #14
                            Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


                            • #15
                              Anybody courageous enough to take NJ tonite....???? They lost their last 8 and are 2-6 ATS during that slide. I do see they are a play against on the next one.....

