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Hope this answers you Questions

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  • Hope this answers you Questions

    Well, 5-6 night, ugh Could have been worse with the bad start, but gotta get the train going. Down 13 units for the week. I hope I can answer your question:


    The X's are relative to anyone. I basically use it for a gauge of strength for the particular play. A 10X for someone can be any amount of money for that player. So, it remains relative. Its really the only way to express my opinion of the strength of that play. But, I keep it that scale. What one wants to do is up to him. For example, I personally played Georgia for my biggest bet, but I don't post above 10X until the extremely big games. The reason why Georgia was a huge play- There was a tremendous amount of Illinios-Bama parlays. Once Illinois covered, I knew there was very little chance Bama would cover. Individual people win parlays here and there, but when the public has a major parlay; they lose 8 out of 10 times.

    I read an earlier post today in regards to my system and philosophy. I am not a TRUE fader of the public. I mainly focus on three things.

    1)Amount of MONEY not amount of people on a side

    2) Track "popular" parlays and teasers. I look for these late in the day. Its difficult to track. But, when I spot it, this is how it works. I look for the most popular parlays and I make sure that one of the two plays is a winner. So, when the first one wins like tonight on Illinois; I knew for the parlays to be winners that Bama had to cover. But, it is VERY rare for a popular public parlay to hit and thus it makes Georgia a big play

    3) Line movements- This is strictly a medthod that took me many years to learn and still I don't have it down pat. It is very difficult to read a line. Many people just look at numbers and then bet. But, behind those numbers there are "expert" opinions. Remember, its the "experts" who put out the line. These experts put the lines out FOR THE HOUSE. They are working FOR THE HOUSE.

    Now contrary to most gamblers belief that the experts put out the lines to get even action; I beg to differ. Yes, I do believe their number one goal is split action for the Vig. But, in a real world most games don't have EXACTLY the same amount of money on both sides. That would be impossible. So, doesn't that make the house gamblers as well? Think about it. Whichever team the house has less money on, that's the team the house has a bet on. So, the house indeed has wagers on every game. And that's where the experts help them out with the lines.

    These experts are MASTERS. They are as accurate as your weathermen. Think how many times in your lives you guys have seen pushes, etc. Knowing that the experts provide the lines for the house, then the experts DO INDEED via mastery handicapping lure the public on the wrong side. This is a huge advantage for the house with the back up of the experts. The experts are THAT GOOD. They know the right sides of a game the majority of the time. If they want split (even) action all the time, then explain something like Duke at the time RANKED 1, undefeated, was an underdog to a struggling Maryland. Did the house really think they were gonna get even action on that game? Take last night. Maryland playing a HOT Wake Forest and Maryland is LAYING 7 points? Sure it backfires on them as well. Look at last night again. Wyoming versus a silly weak Air Force team? Come on, everyone knows that line should have been Wyoming at least 7-8 minimum. But, instead a pick em to +1.5? Gimme a break. How is that gonna get even action?

    So, these experts (linemakers) are master handicappers. They have a "good feel" as to whats the right side and how to manuever the public to the "wrong" side. They are absolute masters at this especially during March Madness. There are 64 teams in the tournament and the general public "really" knows about 25 of these teams pretty well. So, this is where the experts who know these teams inside out lure the public on the wrong sides consistently. These experts are like chess masters. You simple CANNOT beat them over the long haul. March Madness is unreal for me. Absolute goldmine. YES, even better than football.

    So, I have been taught for several years on how to read lines. Someone asked how I get my info for public money. I have a ******. This ****** has been a goldmine for me along with excellent line reading with outside help to have success 9 years in a row. My first four years when I wagered on my own; I LOST every single year. That's when I knew you can crunch all the numbers and trends all you want, in the end the gambler will still lose. I don't believe in number crucnhing, trends, and team streaks. I don't believe in system plays or all the other tools handicappers use. But, line reading is as powerful of a tool anyone can have. But, it takes years and years to learn them.

    But, when I have a bad week, people start to scrutinize if my system works or not. Start yelling, "Oh my GOD Triple X sucks, etc" That's how gamblers think- they have SHORT TERM MEMORY. That's why when the gambler has a winning day he keeps coming back cause he thinks he's a winner. That is short term memory. If he uses his long term memory then he realizes all of his combined losses throughout the years of gambling. If you have long term memory then you can protect yourself. One cannot be in denial. One has to ask himself, "have I ever really made money gambling" Chances are the answer is NO. Because the house ALWAYS wins.

    But, this is the nature of posting. People judge you on a daily basis. I remember when the ANIMAL went on a hot streak everyone jumped on his bandwagon and thought he was the answer. But, what one has to realize is see his ENTIRE track record for the year. Im not a basher, so you guys due your own due dilligence to see if he wins or consistently loses.

    So, I hope Ive answered all your questions. Sure, Ive had a sluggish ill week. But, if you have followed me since September and realize that I have won consistently all year with very few setbacks then youll realize my system and philosophies are are a great way to win. Just realize that most people have setbacks almost the majority of the time, but when I do; people come out and talk about it and point it out, because it doesnt happen often.

    So, either you believe in long term that the house wins or you don't. Sorry for the long post, but wanted to answer all your questions. Hope this closes the issures to my strategy. As always best of luck.

  • #2
    Thank you Bill Shakespear.

    Just kidding.

    Seriously though, thank you for this insight as to how you come up with your picks. I found it very educational and I will continue to track your progress.

    Keep up the good work.

    The Rice Truck is NEVER Wrong!!!


    • #3
      Your first post on the site and its a bash. We don't put up with this type of stuff at this site. If you have a problem with a poster take it to another board. I've been tracking *** since 1-04-03 and he is up in units.
      Last edited by BettorsChat; 02-19-2003, 02:49 AM.


      • #4

        Wow. First I get my own personal recap guy and now I get my personal basher

        How bout we call your bluff and provide all my handles and picks. Jealousy won't get you anywhere. It must burn you that I win consistently. But, if you wanna discredit me through lies then prove it to the people instead of making false claims. Because for every pick (which would be false picks you make up) you post, Im sure many people will verify it. Is it that bad that you need to lie to discredit me? If youre so concerned for people, then why dont you provide evidence of all your claims so everyone will be aware of me. If you can prove that my entire football year was below 68% then I promise you I will leave the board.

        Funny, Ive been posting for several years. Hmm, I thought this was my first year.

        I am sure I made you feel special since I never respond to bashers. But, you got my attention by trying to defame my character. That is very wrong. Trying to discredit someone through lies. If you're so confident I'm not good, then why bother or worry about me posting, cause if I lose consistenty, I'll disappear right? You need to mature as people are trying to make money here, unlike yourself who probably gambles for the high and gets a kick out of bashing.

        Since you are new to the board, why don't you be a man and track EVERYONE of my picks and repost them everyday. Since tonight is your first day here, start with tonight. Track EVERY pick and repost them all. This way you CANT make up false picks that never occured. In the meantime why dont you do your good deed and provide everyone your warnings of me. It is good to see that an angel like you really cares so much for people.

        Just a hunch, well a good hunch. Let me take a stab at this. What's the chances of you being from the sports service I've accused you from the other board with another basher. For the record, if you think I tried to mock you guys, I never did. But, you guys thought I was telling everyone to fade you guys. It just happened that you guys were on the public side many times. Bet your shocked, huh. Buddy, I am VERY careful of what I post and to protect myself. So, when you provide your info as I am calling your bluff, I will provide the numerous amounts of emails from various sports services YOURS included asking me to come on board with them. Sorry. You guys wil always be on the losing side and yet you guys WANT money to bury people. That is pure scum. End of story. End of you. No more responses to you until you can prove what you claim. You put yourself on the hot seat not me.

