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Kerry vs Bush

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  • #61
    Originally posted by te14
    I guess the 1st tower attack in '93 doesn't count. Or how about the soldiers who died aboard the USS Cole? I could go on and on citing example after example of innocent Americans dying and no respones from us.
    I guess the arrest and prosecution of Ramzi Yousef, Eyad Ismoil and 4 others resulting in prison sentences of 240 years each doesn't count as a response for the 1993 Trade center bombing.

    Also, Six individuals were tried in Yemen for the Cole bombing and two of the suspects were sentenced to death. But apparently that's not enough blood for you.

    I guess you could argue that that's not enough of a response, but It's false to say that there wasn't ANY.


    • #62
      Decided to add one more link for those planning to vote for Bush or undecided

      How Bush Was Offered Bin Laden and Blew It:
      Last edited by gamblin1; 11-01-2004, 11:14 PM.


      • #63
        It is too bad that there are several folks on this thread who are blind to reality and think that simply because Bush is President that EVERYTHING he does must be correct, honest, heartfelt, and that in general "Father knows best."
        As John Dean and others say,this is a very secretive administration, and a lot of scheming deals has gone on beyond the scenes whose sole purpose is financial in nature and whose end is to benefit a few, e.g. Cheney and Halliburton.
        Iraq was planned from day 1 of Bush's presidency for a multidude of reasons including oil and to avenge Bush's daddys failure to capture Saddam.
        The WMD'S provided a perfect excuse to try to justify this to the blind and the naive.
        Economically our own country is a mess and many jobs have been lost due to outsourcing.
        Bush's imperialistic nature has diminished this country badly in the eyes of the world and has in fact inspired and will inspire MORE hatred and terrorists NOT less/fewer.
        Bush's lack of understanding of other cultures and his total lack/sense of history(has the man ever read anything other than the comics?) shows in his flawed assumption that countries are better off free because of what HE(Bush) thinks.
        Freedom comes form within(revolution) and should not be artificially imposed on another nation, as that nation may end up worse off than before(such as current problems and ongoing and prolonged war and hatred for the US in Iraq).
        The fact that this president so badly miscalculated both the repercussions of the war (such as how many people would ultimately die) and how we would be regarded by the citizens of that country(Iraq) and the rest of the world shows how truly clueless Bush and his administration are.
        I have to chuckle when some people say there is no passion for Kerry but only hatred for Bush.
        Well all I can say to that is this: lets say you go to a store and buy an appliance say a washing machine with a 1 year warranty.
        Now lets say that during that year you have nothing but trouble and it is always in the repair shop for repairs which is covered under the warranty.
        Let say now after 1 year and 1 month, your washing machine is no longer covered under the warranty and it is broken again;the question is 1) do you keep it and keep paying to have it repaired;2) Do you replace it with another washing machine made by the same company or 3) do you go out and buy another washing machine made by someone else.
        I for one would opt for another washing machine made by someone else based on my total dislike for the first one.
        Obviously analogy is not perfect because you can look in publications such as Consumer Reports to see which machines are rated good;obviously this is not the case with presidential candidates.
        My point is that while I don't think Kerry is the perfect candidate, I do think that Bush has made so many mistakes that I am willing to take a chance that Kerry would be an improvement.
        Last edited by savage1; 11-02-2004, 12:00 AM.


        • #64
          Savage couldn't agree more. These young guys don't know what it is to go fight in a war. I didn't have to but the war in Vietnam was getting over when I would have become of age. See what all the young guys think on this site that back Bush, if he gets elected and starts a draft again. They wouldn't feel the same way as they do now about Bush if he starts the draft up again. I alot of hard working people out there have to work past 65 just to pay for their medical benefits. While poloticians get free medical benefits when they retire. I'll take change any day. Bush got millions of dollars from the medical companys during his last election just so he wouldn't change the laws. I feel bad for all the older retirees that have to pay for their medical benefits for the rest of their lives and not enjoy that money they worked so hard for. We'll all pay in the long run..


          • #65
            Chuck-to change the subject and as immentioned earlier, if Bush had a couple of sons of military age, how would he feel if his sons went to Iraq to fight considering the false pretenses upon which the war was based.
            Last edited by savage1; 11-03-2004, 12:10 PM.


            • #66
              Just got these 6:50 am Electiom Day numbers:

              Bush !30 / 100

              Kerry 100 / 130


              • #67
                Like him or not.

                It's congratulations, to the entire George W. Bush campaign staff, on a very calculated victory. That was teamwork at its finest.



                • #68
                  Re: Like him or not.

                  Originally posted by lvexperts
                  It's congratulations, to the entire George W. Bush campaign staff, on a very calculated victory. That was teamwork at its finest.
                  The only question I have post elections? What were 54,865,161 American thinking?


                  • #69
                    What were 54 million people thinking? The right thing obviously since Bush got re-elected. Thank God that liberal asshole is not going to the White House. The only thing that worries me now is Hillary running in 2008. Imagine the embarrasment we would have as a nation with a woman as our president.
                    The 1927 Yankees weren't the best team ever. What everyone fails to realize is that the year before, with the exact same team, they lost to the Cardinals in the World Series.


                    • #70
                      why does SD's post just not surprise me? Frank, I guess we just have to realize that the most uneducated states vote Republican. That's a fact.

                      But for God sakes, couldn't we at least get John McCain as the Republican rep? Southern Daddy, what happens in 2012 when we elect Barack Obama? I know, I'm sure you don't know who that is........but he's........UHHHHHHHH........UHHHHH......a negro!

                      Oh my, SD & the rest of the hillbillies will have their KKK hoods up faster than a Republican can intimidate a voter.


                      • #71
                        I am from Mississippi and like every other state we have our share of uneducated people. But if anyone ever said a statement like that to my face, I would drop you were you stood. It looks like you are not very well educated with the thought that just because SD is from the south, that every person from the south is a hillbilly and in the KKK. I have been to every region of the US and believe me each region has its share of hicks, hillbillies, gangsters, raciest people, etc. The only difference is the weather.

                        The next time you watch a college or pro game from a game played in the south, look at how many black people are in the stands. Then compare to where you are from.
                        JW, you sure that is your brother in law?


                        • #72
                          you're right was more geared to the ignorance of SD's comment about a woman being an embarrassment. No hard feelings.


                          • #73
                            Hoosier Daddy and Shifty

                            Hey you guys need to chill out. First of all I'm not an imbred or hick. I've grown up in Houston Texas not some podunk town. Secondly, I'm not uneducated. I'm currently attending Texas A&M University and pursuing my degree in economics. Geez, demorats sure are sore once they lose an election. Also, Shifty, anytime you want you can come over to my house and try to beat my ass if you want. I'm 6'6" and weigh 220. GL buddy. Or did you forget? Everything is bigger in Texas. Fuck Mississippi. Both of you assholes need to know that just because someone has different views from you doesn't mean they are uneducated or imbred. So you guys have fun fucking each other. Too bad the gay marriage props fell through for you guys.
                            The 1927 Yankees weren't the best team ever. What everyone fails to realize is that the year before, with the exact same team, they lost to the Cardinals in the World Series.


                            • #74
                              never said you were uneducated, just that the most uneducated states voted Bush. That's a fact.

                              BTW, nice effort vs. Baylor last week.


                              • #75
                                What defines uneducated? If someone from Nebraska can't read but can grow corn he's called uneducated. Yet he can survive on his own. If someone from New York has a degree in business but can't grow anything, he can only provide for himself with his paycheck. They are both educated, but uneducated in the other's enviornment.

                                BTW, I attend A&M to get my degree, not for our football team. There are other things in this world besides sports.
                                The 1927 Yankees weren't the best team ever. What everyone fails to realize is that the year before, with the exact same team, they lost to the Cardinals in the World Series.

