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Sox Ticket Prices

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  • Sox Ticket Prices

    Get this-I checked out of curiosity to see what the highest price for a ticket would go for in game 7 at Fenway if series goes that far.
    Are you ready-$16430 for one ticket-totally insane! Even if I were a multimillionaire, I wouldn't pay any where neat that mount in principle.
    Legislators worry about illegal gambling on the internet, and they let shit like I cited above go on with nary a look or concern.

  • #2

    Ticket brokers/agents are the biggest scam in the sports industry. I know how it works. Trust me. Major ticket brokers often pay the team/teams to hold back certain # typically large amounts of tickets to the major sporting events. IE. world series/Final Four etc.. This forces the price up due to the fact that the demand is threw the roof and tickets cannot be found. The ticket agency pays the team or the ticket seller ie. ticketmaster big money to hold tickets back and not release them to the public. Then they buy the tickets directly and sell them for outragious coin to idiots who are willing to pay.

    Look, there are tens of thousands of WS tickets available yet ZERO to be found from an average joe who got in line and bought tickets. Why is this??? Its because the average person doesnt have access to tickets even if he/she waits in line. And you can say its season ticket holders but excluding this years WS. Season ticket holders generally make up less than 50% of total ticket sales at major sporting events which would mean 1/2 of the tickets would be and should be available, when in reality less than 10% actually get released too the public. Bottom line is ticket agencies are the devil and no one will stop it because its such a profitable business and rich people who dont care about money and only care about being seen at the event force the average person and loyal fans to sit outside and watch. If you want a specific example I'll give you one.


    GO SOX!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by 10DimeBry; 10-25-2004, 03:55 PM.
    2013 NCAA POD Record

    8-3ATS +3.80 units

    2013 NFL POD Record

    1-2 ATS -4.50 units


    • #3
      10 Dime-thanks for your insightful response, even though you addressed it to Wayne rather than me(who wrote that to which you responded).:D


      • #4
        sorry savage my fault didnt even look at who it was, talked about tix with wayne on here assumed it was him, lol... i'm an idiot sorry bout that. I was just pissed off about the topic.

        2013 NCAA POD Record

        8-3ATS +3.80 units

        2013 NFL POD Record

        1-2 ATS -4.50 units


        • #5
          10 dime-no problem;I do shit like that all the time.
          All I know is that I could well afford just about any price asked for those tickets;as stated if series comes back to Boston, I will drive the 90 miles to Boston early in the day and try to work my own deal and rely on my 52 years allegiance (I intend to bring along the scorecard from the first Sox game I saw in person at fenway in 1952) to gather some sympathy with someone there to try to get a standing room ticket for no more than $300.
          If I fail, well, I watch the game in a bar and celebrate afterwards with everyone.
          I will not sponsor that licensed kind of robbery;that is what should be outlawed(ticket agencies obtaining obscene numbers of tickets and selling them at absurd prices) NOT legislators worrying about whether folks bet on sports at offshores.


          • #6
            I paid $3,100 for 2 tickets to game 6 ...... and i can't wait to go :D .... or get a refund :tongue:


            • #7
              ya the only reason the ticket brokers are considered legal is because uncle sam is getting his cut. the scalper on the isn't giving the gov his cut. same goes for offshore gaming. it all sux. i'm a sox fan too i spent an hour trying to get one of the 1000 tickets they did release, we had a better shot at winning powerball go sox


              • #8
                Wayne-you and I are different, and it doesn't mean that I am any less a Sox fan than you for not giving in and paying those what I view as absurd and ripoff prices.
                Its your money, and you are certainly free to do what you want with it.
                To me, paying $3000+ to see an event, which will become a (hopefully) pleasant memory is too much to pay when you can see the same game on tv and spend the money on something more tangible (like a $3000 plasma tv).
                I defintely am NOT saying I am right here, because it comes down to how much one is willing to pay to see the game in person.
                The most important thing os that we both share a common LOVE for the Sox.
                ps If you have connections and can get me a WS standing room ticket for around $300 or so, please let me know.
                ps Can I assume that the tickets you purchased are not "exactly" right behind home plate?
                Last edited by savage1; 10-25-2004, 04:26 PM.


                • #9

                  I live in albany ny area. I'll be in boston on saturday for a wedding at night OUCH!!! And sunday, I might hang around beantown depends on how hung over i am. Dont want to be in boston for game 7. If they win they will burn that city to the ground.

                  As far as tickets go. $300 for standing room. You should have that with ease. My friends got bleacher seats for $200 a piece for game 2. One word of advice. How I've had success with scalping tix to major sporting events. I've been to many NFC title games,Regional finals NCAA,Final Four,SuperBowl etc. Be patient.
                  I've never paid more than double face value ever, not once. The key is and way I've goten in is by waiting til game time. Start looking for tickets at 8:00pm or later if its a 8:15 1st pitch. Trust me there will still be scalpers out there hawking tickets I can guarantee you that even at this big of a game. The prices drop rapidly for tickets at gametime, the scalpers dont want to be stuck with a ticket in hand that has no value. The scalpers have been outside for as much as 6 + hrs before game time making a killing on fools who pay $500-1000 for a $150 face value ticket. At starting time they are looking to move the tickets. Thats when you make your move. Check around and dont take 1st offer even if the game is starting. Dont know if this helped at all but its worked for me countless times in the past.

                  2013 NCAA POD Record

                  8-3ATS +3.80 units

                  2013 NFL POD Record

                  1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                  • #10
                    10Dime-thats a great idea!;I read in the Herald today that there are a lot of counterfeit tickets out there;you have to be careful.
                    I will pay for a standing room up to $300, as I believe you can stand wherever you can find a space, no?
                    I personally wouldn't sit in the bleachers at any price and would rather go to a bar and watch the game on tv.
                    I got a standing room ticket for game 7 of the 1975 WS for $40 and felt guilty about spending that much.:D


                    • #11
                      savage, my seats are 10 rows behind the bullpen. I just bought a 70 inch HDTV and i could have most certainly used it for others things but i said screw it. I wanted to be there for a game and the feeling from my couch to my seat in Fenway will not even be close to the same. The Sox have brought me so many heart breaking seasons that i think i'm now bi-polar. I need to be there to rid my disease once and for all. I will frame my tickets and the world series program together after! :D


                      • #12
                        Wayne-I respect your decision, and as stated, it is a matter of value here;there are no rights and wrongs when it comes to this stuff.
                        Hopefully you will get your refund if you get my drift.


                        • #13
                          Savage, SRO is in limited areas and a friend told me you can't see cause the seats your looking over are higher than you standing behind them. I sat in almost these exact seats about a month ago and they are regular 2 armed chairs with a great view of the park, bullpen, and scoreboards. You are really not far from the action at all and the field is right there. :D


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by savage1
                            10Dime-thats a great idea!;I read in the Herald today that there are a lot of counterfeit tickets out there;you have to be careful.
                            I will pay for a standing room up to $300, as I believe you can stand wherever you can find a space, no?
                            I personally wouldn't sit in the bleachers at any price and would rather go to a bar and watch the game on tv.
                            I got a standing room ticket for game 7 of the 1975 WS for $40 and felt guilty about spending that much.:D

                            Counterfeit tix are out there yes no doubt. 2 things I suggest for that. 1) all major sports events tix have hologram logo's that are basically impossible to dup. check for the hologram. 2) if your gonna get there early find someone that has a ticket and ask to look at it, you dont have to hold it, just look at front/back of the legit ticket. Most people who get dup'd on bogus tickets dont even know what the actual ticket is suppose to look like they are buying blind. Dont do that. Also many tickets have bar codes on them depends on the event I'm not sure for this WS cause I knew i couldnt go unfortunatly. You'll have to let me know when you get in ok? Best of luck, I'm confident you'll get in. Hope I could be of some help, as many of you have been a help to me. Just trying to give back.

                            2013 NCAA POD Record

                            8-3ATS +3.80 units

                            2013 NFL POD Record

                            1-2 ATS -4.50 units


                            • #15
                              Wayne-I am a little confused by your last post;walk me through it.
                              I was under the impression that if I had a standing room ticket, I would enter any gate and just crouch down in an aisle for example or stand maybe where they sell the concessions.
                              I thought that as long as I wasn't blocking anyone else, I could stand or sit where I wanted.
                              I certainly don't want to go if I can't get a clear look at the park and especially the pitcher and batter.

