I decided to use my first post here to clarify something. Many of you are so caught up in the "guarantee" word that you haven't read ILoveFootballs first post, which states he guarantee's he will make you a profit over the next 2 DAYS. 1 pick has lost. According to my stats, he is -7.1 units with 20 units still pending! Guaranteeing a profit and guaranteeing a game are 2 completely different things. Give the guy a break, he has picked winners here before, so give him a real chance before you jump off his soccer bandwagon. That's all.
I decided to use my first post here to clarify something. Many of you are so caught up in the "guarantee" word that you haven't read ILoveFootballs first post, which states he guarantee's he will make you a profit over the next 2 DAYS. 1 pick has lost. According to my stats, he is -7.1 units with 20 units still pending! Guaranteeing a profit and guaranteeing a game are 2 completely different things. Give the guy a break, he has picked winners here before, so give him a real chance before you jump off his soccer bandwagon. That's all.