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Post Season Baseball - My Simple Winning System

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  • Post Season Baseball - My Simple Winning System

    I have been playing a very simple system for all Post Season baseball games which I remember winning every year except one, the past five years. This system is so easy to follow, even I can do it. I was able to go back and see my plays for the last two years so you can see how you would have done for Postseason 2002 and 2003.

    2002 Division Playoffs 10-4 Plus 12.4 Units
    2002 League Championships 2-4 Minus 1.35 Units
    2002 World Series 2-5 Minus 2.55 Units

    2002 All Postseason Games 14-13 PLUS 8.5 Units

    2003 Division Playoffs 4-9 Minus 3.1 Units
    2003 League Championships 8-4 Plus 9.15 Units
    2003 World Series 4-1 Plus 5.0 Units

    2003 All Postseason Games 16-14 PLUS 11.0 Units

    All Plays 30-27 PLUS 19.5 Units. For someone just playing $100 a game, that's a profit of $850 in 2002 and $1100 for 2003.

    I would guess some of you already figured out who I play, based on the units won vs. won/loss record. All you do is PLAY THE UNDERDOG IN EVERY POSTSEASON GAME FOR THE SAME NUMBER OF UNITS each game. That's it. Simple? My reasoning is that all playoff teams are capable of winning every game so playing an underdog at this level means you are getting good value. That's why I can be Plus just 3 games, but Plus 19.5 Units. I only have a play when the dog is at least Plus 110 or I skip that game.

    If any of you have records showing how this did from 1999 to 2001, that should show, better than my memory, that the past two years were not just a fluke. Remember, this is based on the same size play on everygame. One word of caution. In 2002 both the League championship and World Series LOST a total of 3.9 Units, but the Division games were dynamite. Last year, 2003, just the opposite was true. Division games Won, League championship and World Series games Lost. Meaning it could happen that all three catigories could lose money the same year.

    For Tuesday play Anaheim +145, LA +148 and Atlanta +113 if they stay at +110 or more. I'm also playing Minnesota with Santana, but not as part of my system.

  • #2
    I like the system. No one, except Houston, is playing exceptional Baseball right now. I know I will get a few guys who will say, Boston has the best record since so and so. IMO, Schilling is the only pitcher on that team in the grove. Pedro has been terrible his lost 5 starts.

    Let the dogs bark.


    • #3
      statsman. You could play with numbers and probally make a case for or against each of the playoff teams. One reason Houston finished so strong was because they had to keep winning to make the playoffs. Anaheim was on an 8-2 run when they beat the A's on Saturday but Minnesota, who wrapped up their division first, had a losing record their past 10 games. I'm also looking forward to playing against Pedro because we should get a good price.

      I think the first game tomorrow is a good example of value. Perez has an ERA of 3.25, Williams is 4.18, yet Perez and the Dodgers are up to Plus 150. I realize St. Louis is the home team and has a better team Batting Average but in the playoffs where all teams are good, I have always felt good pitching can stop good hitting. BTW, I forgot to say that Houston/Atl is not till Wed. I'm looking forward to the playoffs, especially after having to watch the 49ers and Baltimore lose my money.

