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Buying anything

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  • Buying anything

    Is for the weak at heart. If you can't bet the game(posted line) at what it is, don't bet........
    Misspiggy did say one thing that did make some sense to me, 10%
    10% means very much in gambling, if you are willing to lay more than 10%, you will lose your ass, it's hard enough to beat the 10%, you want to lay 20% or more???
    Buying points the book has you hooked , hook, line and sinker. Look at the games, how many games have anything to do with the line?
    That, at best is your win percentage buying points...

  • #2

    i agree. didn't want to say anything bec. everyone seems to buy points. Will your game end up w/ YOUR team on that # 1 in 10 times? Maybe on that # 1 in 10 times, but not w/ your team. There is no way i'd consider buying anything OTHER than around 3, and i wouldn't do that.


    • #3
      well..if you're getting charged 20% on/off the 3 but it's worth 25% it's a positive, isn't it? What do you think about the fact that the numbers show that in the NFL buying on 3 7 10 is a winning strategy? To be honest I was on your side of the matter, but the #'s convunced me. To me it's pretty irrefutable.


      • #4

        Buying anything isn't a winning strategy. It's hard enough to win at 10%, now you want to in cress it ? Good luck!!
        If you look, the line has very little to do with the outcome of a game, but you want to lay more juice for a ½-1 point????
        think about it...


        • #5
          i agree.....

          wizard and everyone else that thinks buying points isnt good. i will never buy points.i feel if your gonna win your gonna win if your gonna lose your gonna lose i dont think that half a point either way gives u that much more of an advantage either way.---just a thought from a rookie.:D



          • #6
            I make money every year buying points you can track it if you like I'd be more than happy to post one teaser a week...its security to me..I hate getting beat by just plain luck..but for each his own a win is a win and you dont pay crap if you win..but I love them moneyline parlays and them Bills should pay some Bills this
            Last edited by Brandtcountry; 09-28-2004, 07:53 PM.


            • #7
              buying points?

              I'm not a rookie and can say I NEVER buy points. As the Wiz stated it's hard enough to beat the odds laying 10%. The only way I would every "buy points" is to buy down to get better odds. Remember that's how the book makes the money... on the odds. Put the odds in your favor and you have a much better chance to win.
              "Oddz never did give nothing to the Tin Man, that he didn't already have"


              • #8
                very true statement ......



                • #9
                  the numbers clearly show that buying on/off 3 is a winning tsrategy in the NFL. How did you guys that disagree arrive at the conclusion that it wasn't? What ind of objective evidence do you have that it isn't profitable?


                  • #10
                    Sunday you could have bought on/off the number 3 on
                    five different games. Not one outcome was near that number. so you have spent an extra10% and got nothing. Five more and you could have played another game. Or in other words you would have to win one extra game to break even. The amount of time that the game falls on three is not enough to make it profitable.
                    "Oddz never did give nothing to the Tin Man, that he didn't already have"


                    • #11
                      Don't be a dope

                      If you would would rather lose having +2.5 than you would push at +3, than you're a dope. You're not laying an extra 10% when you WIN. And remember, for every win, you get 10 LOSSES at the extra 10% juice. You'll easily win or push two wagers before you lose ten, if you simply follow the math of what happens every year. This isn't rocket science.

                      If you follow the math, what actually happens in games, and by that I mean PROVEN FACT in HISTORY of NFL games, you should always buy on or off 7 and 10, and even 3 if the cost isn't prohibitive.

                      Remember, math cannot be beaten.

                      As far as some loser's argument this week that the book wouldn't offer it if it were a good wager for the bettor, um, you might want to think your statement through. If that were the case, the books wouldn't offer a wager period. I mean, you do realize they lose a bet now and then, right?
                      Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


                      • #12
                        5 games...that's a nice survey size. Say what you want, but if you'd have bought the half point on every 3 point favorite over the last 6 yrs, you'd be better off.


                        • #13
                          Interesting you would bring up Sunday

                          There was a line at another key number, and that is 10. If you bet either side in the SD/Den game, you won. Well, scratch that. I won, but most of you would push since you don't follow math.

                          Also, tin man, you got it all wrong. Nobody said LOSE 5 games at the extra juice. Remember, you're going to win 60% of your wagers if you go with CA$HCLUB. SO you only lost 2 of those 5, while you won on San Diego, so now I get 8 losses before I am even. Wait a minute, since I bet Oakland the week before and bought it down to 3, that gives me another 10 losses before I am even. So I am 18 games ahead of your dopey strategy.
                          Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


                          • #14
                            I agree with the 2 comments before me. I will buy the half and bring a -3.5 down to 3 every time and like cash said, you need to hit one out of 10 to make it worthy. Everyone has their own strategy but i know that it can come in handy at times. I know it's easy to say you should like the play on a particular set number but it's like everything else in life, a little insurance for a price isn't always a bad thing. I also like buying a -3 down to a -2.5. I will only do it on a -3. You can tell me i'm crazy and wasting money all you want but me personally........ I have benefitted from that move SEVERAL times.





                            • #15
                              Sometimes what I do when buying off the 3 in the NFL is to slightly reduce the amount of the bet to compensate for the extra cost involved over buying off a non three number.

