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Nfl Plays For Sun Early Games===>

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  • #16

    For no response BUT I COULD NOT GET ON THIS MORING UNTIL just now!!

    Tipster.......5 stars are my highest regular plays in football....I usually put out a single 6 - 7 - 8 star per sport per year and only 1 10* GOY per sport per year.

    4* PARLAY CUBS/SD....Must list Woods and Peavy +105

    I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!


    • #17
      Goldvike-correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like your Twins against my Red Sox in the first round.
      As a Sox fan, I would rather play the winner in the west;the Twins gave Sox fits during regular season.
      Then again, after 86 years of waiting , perhaps the cosmic forces will prevail and finally lead the Sox to the holy grail.


      • #18

        Wish you the best of course.....but it does look that way....ESPN had a special on the playoffs and every single GM they talked to said Minn was THE one team NONE of them wanted to play in playoff scenario.

        Minn has a ton of weapons but I don't know how ANYONE would WANT the Red Sox in the playoffs with their bats. Santana will neutralize a Pedro. But a home dome advantage will be tough.

        I just think NO TEAM has a definitive edge because of lack of quality pitching.

        Twins can dial up Santana and Radke.....then it's a crap shoot after that......other than 2 super mid releivers in Rincon and Romero and of course NATHAN the AL version of Gag-Me.

        The Red Sox can dial up Pedro......then after that...Lowe on a Savante outing maybe?

        The Yankers can't find the phone to dial the bullpen much less a starter.

        Oak has the names......but they are getting hammered the last couple of months with maybe Harden being the best and not Hudson, Muldar or Zito....and NO MID PEN. DOTEL can be had.

        MINN and Bos may very well be the cream and beat each other up while the Yanks sit back and yawn their way through a P.O. series.

        Time will tell but it should be fun!
        I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!


        • #19
          Hey Goldvike-rumor has it that the Sox in their generosity are going to ship you Bunghole Kim to put on your roster with the stipulation that he MUST be used by the Twins against the Sox in the ninth inning in a game that is tied or if Twins hold a one run lead.
          If for some reason you don't think thats a fair deal, then perhaps the Rockies can ship you Shit(the bed)Cone with the same stipulations.


          • #20

            THERE IS A PAIR TO DRAW TO! They could bunk up together on road games......only problem would be.....when they got back to their hotel room afterwards......NEITHER ONE WOULD BE ABLE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO CLOSE THE DOOR!!

            Be careful what you wish for Savage.......I hear that the Sox need a mid reliever and DAVID WEATHERS and MIKE MYERS are both available!!

            OVER OVER OVER OVER........0-0 starting the 8th with a total of 11 runs......with this group.....TAKE THE OVER OVER OVER!!
            I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!


            • #21
              Love that hotel analogy.
              I will be watching this upcoming series with the Twins against the Yanks in the Stadium very carefully.
              Even though the chances of Sox catching the Yanks are quite remote, I would lovd to see the Twins win two of three;it would be great if they swept, and if Sox could sweep the Drays and then somehow defeat their nemesis, the Orioles;, then perhaps Sox could snek in and win the division and NOT have to play Minny in the first round(I can dream, can't I?).:D


              • #22
                Goldvike-Twins at 12-1 to win World Series are great value.
                I have Sox at 6 1/2- 1(the latter is bet I made at beginning of season).
                Cards are lowest odds of any team right now and should be.


                • #23

                  are in fact great numbers for BOTH! I JUST do not see the Yankers going although......most sports analysts and the pub see them as the write in with theri mystique and they do have some bats.....

                  I will be playing the Twins for something for sure! GOOD LUCK TO YOU SAVAGE AND YOUR SOX SAVAGE! gv
                  I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!


                  • #24
                    Goldvike-Best of luck to you and your Twinkies also and hope they do a job on the Yankees this week.

