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Just Wondering

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  • Just Wondering

    When I saw Homers plays today, two of his plays were favorites at -155 and -161. It got me thinking of something I have wondered about and I'm curious how other would play two favorites of -155 and -161. Two straight plays, or parley the two. I also realize, the number of units you play on each team will preclude parlaying if they are very different.

    If you play them each to win $100, you would either win both for plus $200, spilt and lose either $55 or $61 or lose both for minus $316. If, you played a $120 parley instead, you would either win the same $200 or lose $120. You would be worse off if these plays spilt, losing either $59 or $65 more, but better off if they both lost, saving $194. I have always parleyed the two teams in this situation, in essense possibly paying $60 to possibly save $194, depending on the actual lines. Just curious what others think.

  • #2
    I parlayed games like that too


    • #3
      I agree with you on that one Sandman. I normally play them why I do because I put different amounts on them.

      But I agree a parlay would actually probably be the best way to play them. Thats the way wayne cuts the juice out of his plays.

      Smart thinking my friend will look at that option in the future :D
      1 of 1 Morons


      • #4
        the 145-160 range--------I generaly parlay them...
        but what the hell do I know...

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • #5
          Homer. I know you play different amounts based on your units. That's why it wouldn't work, on plays like today, unless you played the parley and then added a straight play on your 5 unit play to make up the difference. Just thought of that now, so I don't even know how that would work, but it should. As for today, just win both your plays and it won't matter how you played them.

