this just in from Vegas...
MtrCtyPimp places no action:
Under 51.5 days -104
Over 51.5 days +120
first bet is placed on:
MLB +275
NFL -130
NCAA FB +100
NCAA BB +350
NBA +350
Cricket +3,500
first wager will be on:
side -110
total -110
first wager will:
win -120
lose +100
push +1000
amount of wager will be:
0-$250 -110
250-500 +105
500-999 +120
over $999 +175
best of luck with your engagement and future endeavors!
MtrCtyPimp places no action:
Under 51.5 days -104
Over 51.5 days +120
first bet is placed on:
MLB +275
NFL -130
NCAA FB +100
NCAA BB +350
NBA +350
Cricket +3,500
first wager will be on:
side -110
total -110
first wager will:
win -120
lose +100
push +1000
amount of wager will be:
0-$250 -110
250-500 +105
500-999 +120
over $999 +175
best of luck with your engagement and future endeavors!