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Im retiring from GAMBLING

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  • #16
    this just in from Vegas...

    MtrCtyPimp places no action:

    Under 51.5 days -104
    Over 51.5 days +120


    first bet is placed on:
    MLB +275
    NFL -130
    NCAA FB +100
    NCAA BB +350
    NBA +350
    Cricket +3,500

    first wager will be on:
    side -110
    total -110

    first wager will:
    win -120
    lose +100
    push +1000

    amount of wager will be:
    0-$250 -110
    250-500 +105
    500-999 +120
    over $999 +175

    best of luck with your engagement and future endeavors!


    • #17

      who ever said winning isn't everything never won anything


      • #18

        Good luck in the future with whatever it is you find out you want to do with it. I wish you the best and thank you for all the NBA winners in the playoffs. You are a solid capper and yes this does drain people of time.

        If possible can you email me your systems, they are solid solid plays? I'd like to use them for me personally. Just ask Monte for my email, I give you permission to have it. Thank you.

        ~~~ Tigger


        • #19

          First off, congrats on your engagement, I hope you are very happy. Take care and I wish you well........
          Joe Thorton for MVP


          • #20

            Congrats on your engagement and I wish you the best in everything you do. Also in making a new family. Take it from me its a lot of fun. I wouldn't give it up for the world.

            Not Gambling, drugs, alchohol, ETC. My family is number one in my life and always will be. Your making a great choice and I hope you stick with that decision. :D
            1 of 1 Morons


            • #21
              Pimp, getting ready to go to my Son's football game!!! Usually play on thurs. but this week on Wed.!!! Can't even tell you how excited I get to watch him play!!! Wouldn't trade it for A 10 TEAM PARLAY WINNER!!! When he goes to college, then I'll have more time to play and post games like I would like!!! Family comes first, even though I still put more time into it than I should!!! I've been playing with the Man's money for yrs., wouldn't spend the Family's money, do I wouldn't play!!! Most probably won't believe but don't remember the last time I payed my man!!! Need to get ready for the Game!!! Just wanted to say, I WISH YOU THE VERY BEST IN LIFE!!! This will always be here!!! CONGRATS and BEST OF LUCK!!! Woody!


              • #22
                Best of luck to you Ronnie! Hope everything works out for you and I know it will.
                Good luck,


                • #23
                  Enjoy your life to the fullest Pimp, be happy and have fun. Your family will give you back everything you give them and more. Good luck and God bless.


                  • #24

                    do what you gotta go!!!!!!! you are not letting anything go, you are going to can always gamble in the future if the more important things in your life are in line

                    i did almost the exact same thing you did for a while, and i was actually releived to quit and watch games with nothing riding on them............instead, just figure who you would have taken and root for the opposite (unless you post it of course).........then you will one day be able to return to gambling at maybe 20 or 50 bucks a play and you will get that same rush.............i know what you are going though man, you bet so much on these games, winning is no longer fun and losing is so much worse than it used to be

                    i do not have a child ,just a girlfriend and 2 dogs , but i have been gambling conistently since age 13 , and came to a point in my life where i saw it afeecting those people who i cared about and gambling is never worth losing that............once i got it into perspective, i returned and have been a much better gambler since my younger you guys see, i basically take off from april to august and bet probably every other night only what you all post

                    it was good for me to see whether i could even stop and now i know i can..........not everybody can, but look at it like this man, you have a very long life, even if you took off 5 years and you get yourself mentally and financailly settled, you can come back and still do it at a much less tressful level...........

                    good luck with everything
                    and as much as your picks will be missed, we will try to keep the torch bruning for those that need it


                    • #25
                      good luck with the family thing but if it dont work out remember, they play the star spangled banner everyday baby!----- so come on back!:crazyeye:


                      • #26
                        Good luck in the future, Pimp. Your decision to stop gambling at
                        this time in you life is the 2nd most important thing decision you
                        can make.


                        • #27
                          608 pm and Im about to turn off the computer and just relax.......not a single worry about a single score or result of a game

                          thanx for the kind words and support.......Im still gonna be lurking, just not makin wagers



                          • #28
                            Must be nice I will be in your shoes pretty soon, good luck with the family and your new life!

                            RED LIGHT UP THAT CIGAR


                            • #29
                              Go in peace brother...

                              God bless,


                              • #30
                                BEST OF LUCK

                                TO YOU MCP!!! If you ever want to just shoot the breeze about sports this is still a darn good site for that!! HOPE YOUR FUTURE IS EVERYTHING YOU THINK IT WILL BE AND MORE!! GOOD LUCK Pimpster!!!

                                I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!

