Everyone and their mother is taking Dallas..............Parcells will not risk getting Vinny hurt...........Also he is going to let th 3rd and 4th string guys battle it out for the last remaing spots
yes i know that is sorta scary for me also that everyone is on them but i had them picked before i saw all that .
so i am sorta scared some also , i know what you are saying. its a tough call for me but im going to go with what my first thought was thats the only reason.
and well at least some of the services that are on them are very good services , at least i am telling myself that.
gl to you also.
and thank you also
no problem here its all cool.
looks liek it will be close either way so looks like a long night and who knows what will happen in the 2nd half.
everyone has their own opinions and its cool to me if he likes the other team . hell if we all bet on the same team the line woudl have went off or like alot higher.
we are all going to win some and lose some im almost sure about that.
gl to you all whoever u played