As I stated last week. The intention of this thread is NOT to start another service bashing thread. Please refrain from making any comments. The sole purpose of this thread is to keep fellow members informed how these often requested services perform. Below is the weekly record from Monday, August 23 thru Sunday, August, August 29.
Brian Gabrielle had a kick ass week.
His record for the week:
18-3 +1332
I'd still reserve judgement. He's been on a tear! However, in baseball he selected many HUGE favorites. With 13 MLB selections 9 were -175 or more. He had winning selections at -325, -285 and -270
MLB 10-3 +532
NFL 5-0-1 +500
CFL 3-0 +300
Big Al
Overall 11-9 +85
MLB 6-3 +245
NFL 5-6 -160
Marc Loser Lawrence
Overall 2-4 +20
MLB 1-3 -315
NFL 1-1 -10
Tony George
Overall 6-4 +54
MLB 4-4 -146
NFL 2-0 +200
William Foote
Overall 8-5 +195
MLB 4-4 -95
NFL 3-1 +190
Ncaa 1-0 +100
Brian Gabrielle had a kick ass week.
His record for the week:
18-3 +1332
I'd still reserve judgement. He's been on a tear! However, in baseball he selected many HUGE favorites. With 13 MLB selections 9 were -175 or more. He had winning selections at -325, -285 and -270
MLB 10-3 +532
NFL 5-0-1 +500
CFL 3-0 +300
Big Al
Overall 11-9 +85
MLB 6-3 +245
NFL 5-6 -160
Marc Loser Lawrence
Overall 2-4 +20
MLB 1-3 -315
NFL 1-1 -10
Tony George
Overall 6-4 +54
MLB 4-4 -146
NFL 2-0 +200
William Foote
Overall 8-5 +195
MLB 4-4 -95
NFL 3-1 +190
Ncaa 1-0 +100
Carlos Campanella
Overall 4-3 10
MLB 4-2 120
NFL 0-1 -110
Tom Freese
Overall 3-5 -315
MLB 2-5 -415
NFL 1-0 100
Bryan Leonard
Overall 1-3 -260
MLB 0-2 -250
NFL 1-1 -10
Mike Lee
Overall 8-5 +175
MLB 5-4 -15
NFL 3-1 +190
NFL 1-4 -340