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Power Play #1

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  • Power Play #1

    I am going to start posting a Power Play once a day here. It will be my best play of the day based on my sources and my own handicapping. I would suggest that everyone pay attention. Hopefully the management here will not piss me off and I will be here for a long time........

    Florida Marlins +100 (Willis/Lawrence)

    That's a winner! Jack Buck used to say that after every game the Cardinals won...........Great Guy and great baseball announcer....

  • #2
    Jack Buck is the worst fuckin announcer and a total dickhead--just like you!

    I hope that pissed you off enough to take you and your lame ass picks and faggy attitude the fuck off this forum.
    "Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his brain. Then he's dead, then we go home."


    • #3
      That was a good try 4realyo but that is just not enough. Jack Buck is a legend and was a super guy too. Maybe you haven't heard?

      Your attitude is also not becoming but I have learned in this life to accept everyone as they are and so I like you dammt!

      Thank you for your comments.......

      Carry on.............


      • #4
        if there's one thing I hate more than a "Forum Farewell Speech" is someone that I can't piss off...carry on.
        "Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his brain. Then he's dead, then we go home."


        • #5
          Gee, I am sorry that you hate me 4realyo. Hate is such a crude word and probably overused in this society. We all should try to get along and use our talents to help one another. I have seen many of your posts and I must say I have very entertained by most all of them. The one with Mary, or was it Michelle was a classic for sure. You know, the exchange you guys had with the porno picks. I think that I came to the defense of the girl but I only did so just to be an ass..........I actually miss those picks very much and for a man with a faggy attitude that is considered quite unusual, don't you think?

          Carry On..............


          • #6
            Power106, consider the source

            All you have to do is notice his hero pictured under his name....a fat, worthless, anti-American cocksmoker. In all likelihood, a pedophile as well.


            • #7
              That's Michael, not 4realyo

              Sorry for any confusion. Hopefully the pic is for humor!


              • #8
                I agree. Anti-American !!!

                It's not Gambling...It's Sports Investing !!!


                • #9
                  Michael Moore

                  is an anti-America piece of shit.


                  • #10
                    MIChael Moore

                    Youre a piece of shit frankie!! just like your piece of shit president!! so fuck off!! moore exposed just how pathetic this so called president is!! he is robbing the american public!! idiot!!
                    who ever said winning isn't everything never won anything


                    • #11
                      Re: MIChael Moore

                      Originally posted by coonsis
                      Youre a piece of shit frankie!! just like your piece of shit president!! so fuck off!! moore exposed just how pathetic this so called president is!! he is robbing the american public!! idiot!!
                      What's the matter coonsis are you still sore at me because I exposed you and that piece of shit service Las Vegas Wiseguys? You swore they were 70% in all sports because you were a client for years. Once they were exposed as frauds you changed your story.

                      Regarding Michael Moore, his movie was distorted with lies. So go ahead continue to be ignorant and not look at the true facts.


                      • #12

                        Fah-q !! so they sucked last year. Is it my fault?? I'd like to see you actually pay for a service!! Would you go to Iraq right now?? I don't think so!! For what??? Just to kill a bunch of innocent people and drill more oil for that dumb fickin' texan!!
                        who ever said winning isn't everything never won anything


                        • #13
                          Unfortunately the media has so brainwashed and conditioned the American people over the years that we do not even recognize our constitution anymore.

                          Speak out against the American Government and suddenly you're anti-American. No, you're a Patriot to expose the lies of a centralized foreign government running what we use to call America.

                          Like Jack Nicholson said, "You cannot handle the truth".

                          If Americans knew even one-tenth of what they are not given by the mainstream media (run by members of the CFR), I would hope they would become angry enough to expose it.

                          But I doubt that would happen. First, because of apathy; and second, because of cowardice.

                          Anyway you look at it, America is still the best country in the world, offering opportunity and a system that is unmatched. And, of course, the freedom to a price.



                          • #14

                            Dumb friggin' Texans are part of what makes this Country Great .
                            I'll be glad when Bush wins again and Michael Moore can take his treasonous ASS to fuck some where else ...


                            • #15
                              Re: frankie

                              Originally posted by coonsis
                              Fah-q !! so they sucked last year. Is it my fault?? I'd like to see you actually pay for a service!! Would you go to Iraq right now?? I don't think so!! For what??? Just to kill a bunch of innocent people and drill more oil for that dumb fickin' texan!!
                              Coonsis go debate when you know what you are talking about.

                              Oil? Yeah we went to war for oil? OK! If you are going to express your opinion please make it an educated opinion. Read books and newspapers that are fair. That offer both sides. Not movies like Michael Moore's. You're stating your opinion based on a movie. PATHETIC!

                              Oh by the way! I paid for a service about 10 years ago. Never again.

                              Regarding gong to Iraq. No, at 44 I wouldn't go there. If I was in my 20s I would. I love my country. I'm a native NYer. To this day I'm affected by 911. Unlike you and the Moore 'fans' I've never forgotten. I will NEVER forget.

                              I want a president with balls. I'm certain you were one of the 90+% of Americans who approved Bush post 911. What changed? Because we didn't find WMD. So what! We didn't invite terrorists on 911. But for the first time since Reagan we had a president who wasn't going to sit back and do the 'politically' correct thing.

                              We've lost approx 1000 American soldiers since the start of the Iraq war. It's sad and tragic. We lost approx 2500 Americans in one day during WWII. D-DAY! Those American hero's risked their lives. We live the life we do because of these heros.

                              During WWII we went to war partially because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Why did we go to war against Germany? They didn't attack us. We did so for many other reasons. We went to war against Iraq for a few reasons. For you to say we went to war solely for oil that's a naive statement.

                              Coonsis before you call me or anyone an idiot over our presidential choice become educated in America historical facts.

                              One last point. Whether you like Bush or not you should still show him respect. He is the leader of our great country. A country that 1000s have sacraficed their lives for.

