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Featured Capper: ************

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  • Featured Capper: ************

    With nearly 4,000 posts in the last one year and 4 months, the Wiz is one of the most prolific posters at b-chat. Taking on the monumental task of a retrospective record search is just about impossible unless you--literally--having nothing else to do.

    Posting at virtually all the forums and all sports--including horses--the Wiz's comprehensive knowledge becomes apparent when weeding through it all. Obviously, I could not get to all of it. So with the Grid right around the corner, I keyed in on Football. More specifically the NFL.

    I mean with other considerations at hand--you, shower on Satudays, feed the kids on Wednesdays--it became painfully obvious that the NCAA task was too much with all the college games going all week long. What I was able to do was complete the NFL Season.

    I have to admit that after disecting the first few weeks or so, I was already beginning to think of how I could tactfully do an expose' on one of the most prolific and well known members at b-chat. It's not that the Wiz was getting hammered early in the season, but just that the results were seemingly average--especially in contrast to the extent of adulation that the wiz receives from time to time. And rightfully so, if for nothing else his effort.

    But that thinking didn't hang around for long. Before I knew it the winners started coming home. By Seaon's end the results were quite impressive. The tell-all of any handicapper is what is called the Return on Risk. As a 24-year veteran, I can tell you that all the other stuff is smoke and mirrors.

    It doesn't matter if you like to play moneyline dogs, spreads, heavy faves, or whatever. What is your return on risk? That is the bottom line. My 15-1 record on my Net Program Games of -2.00> faves is a good example. There's nothing to be afraid of when you're winning. If the return is there, that's all that matters.

    While only going 4-6 in the NFL Playoffs, the Wiz ended the Regular Season with a record that ought to make anyone who is serious about winning take notice. And I'm glad he did. It makes this write up easier than bringing home dark numbers about popular people. Hey check this out:

    Wiz finished the 2003 NFL Regular Season with 65 Wins, 46 Losses, and a net profit of +44.65 Units. But remember what I said about the return. Heck, you give me a good negative progression and I can do the same thing with flipping a coin. But a good stock broker and a good handicapper knows that the return against the risk IS THE TELL ALL.

    Generally, if you're returning 10% or more on your total risk you are world class. The best of the best will hit 12-14% over the course of time. You will not find it any higher than that in the long run. Now in Wiz's case, he came in with a 4-3 record on some moneyline plays which inflates the return. But that's okay. Inflating anything else is not okay.

    For example, if I come to you with a record of 30-10, that looks pretty good right? Yeah, unless you're layiing -350 on all your plays. The return would show that. The return does not lie. Inflating the return is always GOOD.

    Wiz finished the Season with a return of 15.75% on his total risk according to his units. If playing the same amount on every play, he returned a whopping 17.37% and 20.9 Net Games. Keep in mind this is over the course of a full 111 plays. Think 65-46 ain't that great? Look at the return ALWAYS.

    The higher return on Net Games than Units tells me that Wiz's higher rated plays were, frankly, not hitting any higher of a win % than the lower rated plays. This turned out to be true as his 5*> plays were 9-7 during regular season--leaving the rest of his plays a healthy 56-39 record.

    But hey, if you're giving me a return of over 15% no matter HOW I play it, you're doing something right. Consider that Oddz gave out over 100 NFL Plays last year. I challenge you, I challenge myself, to top that mark with that many plays.

    Having said all that, here's the lowdown on the Wiz...


    SIDES: 34-28/+3.2
    TOTALS: 27-14/+11.6
    MONEYLINES: 4-3/+6.1

    TOTAL RISK: 120.3
    RETURN: 17.37%

    *Return without moneyline plays was still 13.09%--#1 BIGGUY Free Picks 100> plays

    *Absolute Net Games [minus ML] #2 @ BIGGUY Free Picks--only 0.7 Net Games behind Winner


    +44.65 UNITS
    RISK: 283.5
    RETURN: 15.75%

    *Without ML: +36.65/+13.33% return; good for #4 Bigguy SIMULATION and #3 respectively. By the way, there were 616 entrees in last year's Simulation Contest.

    The difference between the Free Picks Contest and the Simulation Contest is that you can 'rate' your games with 'units' in the Simulation where as in the Free Picks Contest you cannot.

    I have compared Apples with Apples to get Wiz's comparative numbers in both Net Games and Units Won, and it all came up winners. Good Job Wiz...


  • #2
    Great stuff on a great capper! Keep up the great work Wiz! Dave your hard work is really appreciated; it is especially great for all the new members!
    Good luck,


    • #3
      Thanks John...


      ps- I had forgot to highlight Oddz 27-14 record in totals.


      • #4
        Man, you did a lot of work pulling all those numbers. Thanks for the effort and I will be anxiously waiting for wiz's picks this year.


        • #5
          It's tedious, but it'll give a heads up on who's who going into the NFL Season. A lot of posters do not finish out the Season or do not post each week. Wiz posted all 21 Weeks which is the case with many other posters here, none the least of which would be the moderators.

          Those are really good numbers...anyone who's been doing this more than a couple years will recognized that...



          • #6

            Great breakdown on a great capper!!
            Just a super job on reaserach.....
            I knew Wiz was good...but to see
            HOW GOOD was really impressive!

            The rankings were are befiiting
            his talent.......
            k.o.'d the totals.

            Warrior....People should not
            forget about your considerable abilities
            on the Gridiron, hardwood and the
            field of dreams.Well done yourself!!

            Thanks Dave.
            Thanks Wiz......

            I hear the rustle of leaves....
            the honking of geese overhead....
            the whistle of the referee....
            and the rah-rah of the cheerleaders.
   is right aruond the corner.



            • #7
              yea wiz is def the truth. pound for pound the best.
              My grandmama' daughter ain't raised no sucker


              • #8
                thanks daryl...your excitement sounds like shoulda' been around the forum about 4 or 5 this morning when I was 'broadcasting live' a video play of so. cal and lsu tigers...i'll bump it for ya'...



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Warrior

                  ps- I had forgot to highlight Oddz 27-14 record in totals. [/B]


                  That totals record is outstanding.

                  CONGRATS on a fine NFL overall record
                  I wish you well for this coming season.


                  Another great job with the stats, and thanx for the explanation on the ROR. Wasn't sure what you meant the other day.

                  Sounds like I should go and check out the BIG GUY site.
                  Thanx again

                  Forza Udinese


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Dave (Warrior)

                      Thanks for the props. The people that follow know I don't look for any recognition. I have brought many people to this site and they know what I do. I don't win all my games, but I do win a fair amount. I don't and never will post a record, I know what I do. Like some, I really could give a rats ass how many looks I get, I don't post to see how many looks I get, I post to make $MONEY$...
                      I won't be posting on bettorschat until my rights as a member are reinstated, until that time, some of you know where to find me.
                      Dave, I have said this before, you are a class act and I follow you with what every post you make, keep it up, you are one of the best.

                      Best Of Luck


                      • #12

                        awaiting your return


                        • #13
                          Wiz waiting on your return! Until wish you the Best!


                          • #14

                            I don't know anything about your rights being revoked if in fact that's what happened. Whatever is going on I hope it works out for the best for everyone involved.

                            My motive behind the review of cappers is to give back to the forum. Since I market a tipsheet, I am limited in the games I can post--although I do post some comp plays. Being limited in that area, I try to contribute even more in other areas as a means of giving back.

                            Taking the time, and it takes time, to research out some of this stuff is my way of giving back to the forum. It's a real need to know who to follow and who not to. It is highly unlikely I will post who NOT to follow. I prefer to weed through it all and find the people who CAN be followed with a certain degree of confidence...


