This be such a short sail, the Old Kaptain be taking the Dinghy out by his self....Lets the crew rests, they bees working hard lately....This only bees a short trip OVER some seas, but the Kaptain feels he be knowing enough to sail this Solo....
Toronto/Cleveland OVER 9-105....The Kaptain likes it so much, hes gonna makes this a 3 unit play....315/300...(3* play)
Record to follow after todays game....We'll wait for the fog to lift tomorrow, and sail away with ItsBill at the Helm....Youse knows what that means..
The Old Kaptain definitely stumped his toe on this one....Loser...for 0-1 ...-3.15
First 1/2...... 152-138-6.....-8.84
2nd 1/2........103-77-5......+32.67
Toronto/Cleveland OVER 9-105....The Kaptain likes it so much, hes gonna makes this a 3 unit play....315/300...(3* play)
Record to follow after todays game....We'll wait for the fog to lift tomorrow, and sail away with ItsBill at the Helm....Youse knows what that means..
The Old Kaptain definitely stumped his toe on this one....Loser...for 0-1 ...-3.15
First 1/2...... 152-138-6.....-8.84
2nd 1/2........103-77-5......+32.67