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just trying out my new avatar

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  • just trying out my new avatar

    "Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his brain. Then he's dead, then we go home."

  • #2

    Say what you like, he started as an average Joe, borrowed everything to take a chance on his first film, now he made a big payday 15 yrs later..

    Kudos to Mr.Moore


    • #3

      well...that's one way of looking at it. we have a difference of opinion. it's all good though. we both like gambling, that's why we're here.

      "Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his brain. Then he's dead, then we go home."


      • #4

        that guy has about as much class as a bookie


        • #5

          I didnt see the action my response was against your intention!

          I may not agree with the guy and he is abrasive somtimes but to hate him because he looked closely at Bush and questioned events around 911 is just crazy.

          Do you really think the Bush's dont have Saudi ties? Do you really think Bush is a great president? I think the worst part of the whole thing is how we abruptly stopped looking for Bin Laden and started Iraq know he did it because if they waited much longer, the reelection would be too close and being at war during a reelection is suicide. If you dont add events up and see that Bush should be questioned, then maybe you need to put your head in the avitar..

          I am not democrat, nor do I think Moores movie is fact, but to ignore obvious truths and look the other way, well we are asking for more of the same in the future..


          • #6
            You're obviously just a bleeding heart liberal pussy who believes the lies from that stupid movie.

            I'm glad the avatar annoys you. Make sure to look at it everyday, ok?
            "Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his brain. Then he's dead, then we go home."


            • #7
              4real, how did you get that to work and where did you find it? Everytime I try an action avatar it says wrong type and never works.


              • #8
                It doesnt annoy me, rather single thinking close minded people do.

                Keep the avitar, what do I care,

                Do your own research on this topic and turn off Rush a little more, you might learn a thing or two about our draft doger predident and his motives.

                Hardly a liberal, in fact this election sucks...its a no winner. We keep Bush and his spend crazy policies (look at the fresh budget deficit numbers out just this afternoon) or we get "spoon fed" liberal Kerry/Heinz....lose/lose to me.

                But beside that, do your own research on Bush and see what kind of person he is. I think he is the worst president since Nixon.

                Please comment if you can and notice how there were no personal remarks towards you...I imagine you cannot form your own response though, so go to Limbaughs site, cut and paste and reply..


                • #9
                  I saw the movie and I can tell you it's hard to call it lies when they come right out of bushs' mouth, he shows him on TAPE so go see it then call it lies. I believe that this is AMERICA and we are not forced to follow the Prez, our fore fathers would roll over in their graves, this is what our country was founded on. I HOPE THIS IS STILL THE USA and we dont have to all think alike to be accepted sounds like high school
                  Wash. D.C. 8 sq. miles surrounded by REALITY


                  • #10

                    My wife and I have done our research on him and you are RIGHT! He uses that ol if you dont follow me your un american. He has cut Vets benefits and he has cut school funding, etc etc etc......

                    War on Terror: Bin Laden is still out there.....

                    No Iraqi's on the Hijacked Planes
                    Wash. D.C. 8 sq. miles surrounded by REALITY


                    • #11
                      Don't want this to turn into a political forum, but I am right in the middle of John Dean's book, Worse Than Watergate, and let me tell you folks, it is a real eye opener as to what this present administration is all about.
                      I am planning to take my mother to the Fahreneheit 911 real soon.


                      • #12

                        I tried to be cool to you in my first reply but you were the one who took it to that level. Look, I didn't come here to discuss politics. Vote for Kerry--I don't give a shit. Bush will still win, you'll see.

                        Philly, I don't know how...I just uploaded it and it worked. I have more good ones I plan on using in the future (they aren't political).
                        "Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his brain. Then he's dead, then we go home."


                        • #13
                          Good response.

                          If you mean giving detail as taking it to the next level, you are right,

                          And when did I say I was voting Kerry???

                          Read my messages before you give half-a$$ed replies. You must be young 'cause you are very defensive.

                          ps...Monte or other moderators, feel free to move this thread..

                          Last edited by wallstreet; 07-13-2004, 06:11 PM.


                          • #14
                            Young or get's info from Faux (Fox) News if you can call it that. Take the time and read for yourself the Web has afforded us all the ability to check the real facts and not their TALKING POINTS. I know this is not a political forum but I am real careful about name calling, but I guess that's what they all do. Everyone that dosnt agree with them has something wrong and they must label them something.
                            Wash. D.C. 8 sq. miles surrounded by REALITY


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by GR8Life
                              Young or get's info from Faux (Fox) News if you can call it that. Take the time and read for yourself the Web has afforded us all the ability to check the real facts and not their TALKING POINTS. I know this is not a political forum but I am real careful about name calling, but I guess that's what they all do. Everyone that dosnt agree with them has something wrong and they must label them something.
                              ..and you must be one of the bottom-feeders that hopes to reap the benefits of a Democratic President and the entitlements it promises.

                              I don't blame you for being angry at Fox News. It's the ONE channel that's NOT liberal-leaning. Your Talking Points ( know a well-used phrase!) are right out of the DNC.

                              I guess all of you cowards would be better off in France where they don't mind mass murders like Saddam, Milosivic, Bin Laden, etc. I'd rather have a Prez like Bush who's not afraid to take them out.

                              What you also fail to realize that Kerry/Edwards, if they ever got elected (lol) would not even make any significant policy changes. They would need 60 senators to do this and that's not going to happen in this Congress.
                              "Your first shot puts him down, then you put one in his brain. Then he's dead, then we go home."

