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If Pedro loses tonight

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  • If Pedro loses tonight

    Turn out the lights on the Red Sox catching the Yankees. They'll be 9 games out in the loss column, there is NO way they will win the division making up that many games on this Yankee team.

  • #2
    division race

    The ESPN crew cited a pretty impressive stat during the game last night. The Yankees have NEVER failed to win their division when they have a 6-game lead at any time during the season. With an even bigger lead, the race may already be over.


    • #3
      Sox are not going to catch Yankees no matter what.
      Just look at the manager-one with a .440 winning percentage over four seasons has no feel for the game, never bunts to sacrifice, never steals, never hits and runs, lets batters swing at 2-0 and 3-0 pitches when he shouldn't and has no team respect and is unable to motivate the team.
      Hiring this loser to replace Little, a proven winner, makes about as much sense as for you to take your 2000 Honda Accord with 60 thousand miles and a few things wrong to your dealer and exchanging it even up for a 1998 Accord with 100000 miles on it and a lot more things wrong with it than the car you presently own.


      • #4

        I totally agree with you. I know it hurts to say some of those things, being a die hard Red Sox fan, but, something in definetly wrong in Beantown. No disrespect to Francona, but, there's major trouble there, and if it doesn't get corrected soon, the wild card will be a dream.


        • #5
          Bobt-maybe in a 100 years when you can clone players to fit the specifications of the computer, moneyball may work, but not now.
          Francona fails badly in leadership skill and has no instincts whatsoever what to do in a game(e.g. when to take out pitchers) outside of what the computer tells him to do.
          Aside from that he is too easy and lacks player respect;they need (going way back) a Dick Williams type(1967-Impossible Dream Year) to light a fire under the players' asses.


          • #6
            I am a Yankee fan and I am very suprised at how the Sox just go thru the motions everytime I see them on tv. All individual play instead of a team like last year. Each time I see the Yankees, they play with one goal in mind, winning. Last night was a prime example. The Sox opened the door and the Yankees got 4 easy runs. I was looking forward to a fall matchup, but the Sox had better get their heads out of their asses.

