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A few plays for SAT===>

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  • A few plays for SAT===>

    Been awhile since I posted some games and been having a very good year in MLB so far so will toss these out for food for thought as to what I have for today:

    5* FLOR -128
    Penny has been Dollar(s) so far this year and coming off a loss to the Tigers with Roberson's big league high ERA should be another great spot to Go Fishing today! Tigers bullpen is vastly outclassed in comparison to the Marlins as well should Brad P. get into an early high pitch count but they should have enough runs by then to close the deal.

    4* REDS -121
    Although the record may not show it VonPoppel may be the Reds best starter at this point with all due respect to Wilson. With a big losing streak going this is really a bet AGAINST Elarton of Cleveland. He has been shelled everywhere he surfaces and surprises me to be a starter in this one. If not for Von Poppel this would be a juicy OVER 11 to take as well but Cincy may cover that on their own anyway.

    2.5 * CWS -150
    Loaiza has turning in great games his last 3 outings which deflects his overall ERA as poor from the dreadful start. Like the Hosers here to get revenge on Hotlanta as they are playing big time over their heads right now. Thompson with a great year going but remembering him from last year could bring back a nightmare Coors field-like start for hime tonight as I expect the on again off again White Sox bats to be ON again.

    2* METS -137
    Gotta like the pitching matchup here. Leiter has be Lighters outs when the Mets have needed a win this year. This would normally be a higher play but paying juice to a low scoring road team on a losing streak is not good money management. Worth a play for 2 stars though as the Royals have been struggling mightily with the bats up to last night as well!

    1 each * MINN +111 and (o)10
    Silva has been given a ton of runs to work with this year and Millhouse for Philly is just the opposite although he has pitched well. Look for Philly to get their share tonight but also look for the frustrated left handed hitters from Minn to go the opposite way vs the righty tonight to get their fair share as well and the bullpen to not blow a save tonight with Rincon like last nights game.

    TWO NICE PARLAYS (I don't count these in stats but they are nice extra pocket change to hit)

    NYY-180/CWS -150==1:1.6
    Two nice revenge games and doubt the home teams drop two in a row especially with the pitching advantages.

    Anyone remember this from last year but in choice situations I always played ANAHEIM/OAK/SEATT the last west coast games in a 3 team parlay.....It hit again last night.......and today/tonight has another very good chance as well given the pitching matchups.

    OAK -178/ANAHEIM -142/SEATT -170==1:3.2

    I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!

  • #2
    great to have you back GV!
    Joe Thorton for MVP


    • #3
      Welcome Back

      GV. It was good to see your name as I looked at the screen just now. It has been awhile and there have been times I have wondered how you are and where you went. The past month has not been very good for some of us, including me, and to see you have been doing well just confirms what I have said before. You are one of the best, if not the best, at this capping stuff and I hope you can stay awhile. Welcome Back.


      • #4
        Thanks guys

        This is a REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY BUSY time of year for me so I will try and post as much as I can (weekends do allow me some extra time mostly). (I was actually gone and not even near a computer for two weeks and had to cap this stuff the old fashioned way which actually was kind of fun but brought back memories of how limited information was without computer access....just old newpapers and Baseball Weekly Mag e.g.! I'll just pick up my old record for a running total for anyone that tracks those sort of things. HOPEFULLY there will be a lot more winners posted than the alternative! Gv
        I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!


        • #5
          Good to see you back! Good luck Gold V!
          Good luck,


          • #6
            Welcome back, hope everything has been well.:D :D


            • #7
              GV-Ditto to everything said so far. Stick around;you are needed!


              • #8

                FWIW, when time is a problem, your picks without the time consuming writeups, are a lot better than no picks at all.


                • #9
                  WELCOME BACK GV

                  Lotta Chalk.......GL



                  • #10

                    Nice to see you back my friend.
                    Miss your input.
                    Best Of Luck


                    • #11

                      You must of been on an island out in the middle of nowhere! Glad to see you back. Many here missed you including myself! GL hc


                      • #12


                        Always a pleasure to see your posts.

                        Good Luck!
                        FB :tongue:


                        • #13

                          Welcome back....Your posts and input have been missed, and will always be an intregal part to the sucess of this Forum....You have some good followers/friends here, and I for one, am glad you're back to share with us...

                          as always, kmann-- 1 of the 3 wisemen--aka Capt TOF, now Dr. TOF...I know I sound like one of those services that constantly change names

                          Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!

