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Total Service burial on Pacers

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  • Total Service burial on Pacers

    Every Service GOY and GOM on the Pacers crashed and burn yesterday and somebody here said "you know what that means" when all the services line up like that and you were right.

    Good news is that Lawrence will have another "never lost" system play today that will surely lose and Big Al can now have a Revenge GOY.

  • #2
    What a surprise!!!

    More times than not when services are big on one side that side loses.


    • #3
      Especially when LOSER Lawrence is part of that group!!!


      • #4
        Spec. K

        unfortunatley, some didn't acknoledge the fact that Spec. K had a 7 on Det. he, along with JB have been the best in the NBA all season. when that 7 on Det was released, that should have been a "lay off" signal for all. as hard as it is not to have action, esp. on a tv game, sometimes, you need to know when to lay off.


        • #5
          Also overlooked is the THREE missed free throws by the Pacers in the closing seconds. If two of those had been made the outcome is reversed.

          What this means to me is that not everyone who called Indiana is an idiot and not everyone who liked Detroit is a genius.

          These are the breaks in the world of sports betting.


          • #6
            Mike Schimdt I agree

            Game 1 was down to free throws. Pacers make them all services win.

            Look at tonight. I counted 15-3 services on the Pistons

            and 9-2 on the under

            my buddy local who takes decent action had

            23 on pacers 6 on Pistons

            11 on Under and ZERO on Over

            this reminds me of last year's nets and spurs totals. the books kept on lowering and lowering the total numbers and it kept going under. people are going to keep betting under till these teams even come close to the 160's. it was reversed last year with mavs-kings when the books had to keep making the total higher and higher as it kept going over 217 and finally it went as high as 224. but my buddy who is an awesome bookie made a good point after tonights game. He said both these teams are able to free their perimeter shooters and both teams are getting a lot of shots and eventually the shots will fall and we might get a game as high as the 200 mark. I doubt that though


            • #7

              Good point!

              There are intangibles in these games that are beyond our control.
              It could be a baseball manager that takes out his starter because he pitched a whopping seven innings only to have the bullpen blow it; or a missed field goal in football, etc., etc.

              It often doesn't matter how many stars a given capper rates a game for; nor does it matter in many cases which way the line is moving.

              IN THE END, the actual game still is played on the court (or field) and nowhere else!!

              Quote from author Peter Marshall: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything."

