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  • bgh2003

    A little story for you.

    I was sitting watching THEE game last year with the foul ball and all at a bar on Clybourn north of Fullerton. Despite what I wrote in the other thread about taking the Cubs as big favs, I had a large number on them and the Under (7- I think) with Pryor (-280 I think) on the mound. It was one of the 1st dates I had gone on with the female I'm kicking around with now. It was not a busy night, but the bar owner and the other 10 or so patrons were all big Cubs fans. I'm getting to know this girl and the game is going along on it's merry way when it all happens. People in the bar are in disbelief and I've made a few wagers in my life and have seen a few things so I don't budge. I've the Under so I'm still not going to get crushed. It's late enough in the game were it won't go Over. NOT. The Cubs give up a ton of runs and the game goes Over. I'm sitting their stewing and mad as hell although you wouldn't have known it. Now I just dumped a TON of money and can't even remotely get any satisfaction out of what just happened. Worse yet, the people that know me in the bar are talking smack about how happy I must be with the final outcome of the game. I'm not going to sit there and tell them I just dropped a large number. I just continue to stew and try to carry myself in a strong fashion on this date. When I really wanted to go outside and run over a lost dog or drive my car thru a store front in rage. Had to end up listening to this girls story on how bad her day went.
    Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.

  • #2
    Been there brother, only difference is that I live with my girl and I been stewing all week! Great story, and you will get it back tomorrow!
    Joe Thorton for MVP


    • #3
      I was at a meeting in Kankakee that night. The keynote speaker was Jim Boeheim and the banquet room still emptied out midway through his speech as everybody headed for the hotel bar to watch the final two innings of the game. I got to the bar just as that fateful 8th inning began. I had the Cubs and the over.

      The emotional progression was like this:

      1. Well, Cubs will win, and I'll win that bet, but I what was I thinking taking the over?

      2. I can't believe that fan did that. What was his name?

      3. Fucking Gonzalez!!!

      4. Son of a bitch, this is getting tight.

      5. Maybe that over bet wasn't so bad after all. What did I lay with the Cubs, -300?

      6. I LAID -350?!?!?!? TO WIN $500?!?!?!? (That's what I get for using a local in the Chicago area.)

      7. OK, got the over, but 350 times 5 is. . . oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

      To make matters worse, I took the Cubs in game 7 and the Yankees in game 6. Three bets within 2 days of -300 or greater, and I lost every one. For game 7, I could have at least bet Florida and been happy either way. It was, needless to mention, a terrible week.
      Last edited by bgh2003; 04-09-2004, 01:26 PM.
      "Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein." -Joe Theismann

