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dime lines

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  • dime lines

    Can someone explain to me what a dime line or 20 cent line is and how they work.I've never bet baseball and I dont have a clue.

  • #2
    Example Dime Line:

    Yankees -200
    Twins +190

    Non Dime Line for the same game:

    Yankees -200
    Twins +185 or +180


    • #3
      no its like this

      a ten cent line is say 7-8 which means you are risking 80$ to win 50$ on fav and risking 50$ to win 70$ on underdog when the line is double digits it goes to 20 cents say 11-13 which means its 130$to win 50$on fav and 50% to win 110 on underdog.thats my understanding anyway


      • #4
        I would say Bettorschat is correct on this one, as dime line refers to $100 bets.


        • #5
          Dime line

          BC is correct, no mater how high the line goes it makes NO difference.
          A dime line is when you take back 10 cents difference with the dog

          Favorite -140
          Dog +130

          Favorite -155
          Dog +145

          Favorite -185
          Dog +175

          with a 20 cent line it goes as follows

          Favorite -140 6/7
          Dog +120

          Favorite -185 8½/2
          Dog +165

          Favorite -160 7/8
          Dog +140
          and so on
          What capone is refering to is a 20 cents newspaper line.
          If you see a favorite in the paper say 7/8, your local would make you lay 80 to win 50 on the favorite, If you were to bet the dog, your local would make you lay 50 to win 60. this line is based on 5's but it is a 20 cent line.

          A ture dime line(10cent line) is when the dog is 10 cents less then the favorite.



          and so on
          Last edited by wizardofoddz; 04-08-2004, 07:52 PM.

