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Can You Say Sweep :

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  • Can You Say Sweep :

    After reading a few posts this morning and being way to busy to interject (at any point) , I can honestly say that the U. Conn / Duke game went according to script .

    4-0 on the night ( + 3-Teamer )

    Laying points in either direction in this game was a poor miscalculation at best , even with the outcome or had it been 15 points it was just poor judgement to have laid anything here . The totals where a far better proposition and easier to figure (even with Okafor missing) than trying to outwit a game that was destined to be a classic matchup .

    G. Tech was the true nail-bitter of the day (for-me) and I leave you with these thoughts :

    1146 - 851 - 49 YTD / ATS

    " And 1 To Go "



    ps - now to baseball !!!! (it never-ends )
    " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "

  • #2

    This contest scoring is still messy MMM, can we have everyone PLEASE update what there total is before the game monday? This should be mandatory in my opinion....

    Some people might want to get a feel for what they have to bet if they want to win the contest on monday, everyone should be updated anyways but with the misunderstanding last week and people posting 4 plays when they were only supposed to post 2 screwed a lot of this up....


    PS: Hello, how have you been? And good Job on your wagering... :tongue:
    "You like the odds of lightning?"


    • #3
      Trotter :

      Thanks & Hi to you also !

      I like your idea , but due to time constraints its almost impossible to do . Ever take into consideration that the ones who have not updated thier scores " dont want to ? "

      It could be that they dont want us to see a miserable score like mine ?

      And fear not on the over-plays cause they will be dealt with in a fair manner ( a wipe-out ) and thereby a disquailifcation for failing to comply with the rules (play "every" game).

      So rest easy and let it ride clyde , its just a contest that was intended to be used to learn eachothers ways far more than who won it ! I gained quite a bit of insight to the abilitys of cappers here by watching thier plays and intend on using it in the future.



      " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


      • #4

        nice calls on the final four. had them all
        Hope I break even this week.
        I could use the money.


        • #5
          easy ed :

          It was a very good nite , all the way around . And I could go on record as saying that I will post a :

          " GOU "

          Meaning my " Game Of Underware "

          Should I win , I will stuff them someplace the sun dont shine and should I lose I will do the same thing everyone else who uses it so losely does ( forget it )

          The best thing about this forum is its solid core of telling it like it is cappers . They dont post all the attention gathering tactics because its not needed to be a decent gambler , they instead choose to do thier marathon-thing and plod along with thier day-to-day selections and let that " do thier talking for them "

          I really am enamored with a few here , and appaled by others !



          " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


          • #6

            U R the best. Take it from someone who tried them all. My only regret is that I did not find you many moons ago...

            yah mon!!!


            • #7

              If she loses her underware u may still see the moon!!! Great job memphis!!!!! That over was SweeEEEEEEEEEEt Thanks hc


              • #8

                You are posting a GOU!!??


                I WANT TO PUT A 5* ON YOUR "UNDER"

                I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!


                • #9
                  In honor of your GOU!

                  I played two "UNDERS" for just the 1st quarts in the LAL and Minn games......Just thinking of your "UNDIES" is really cashing in!! you may want to try the new line of "Wolfware Lingerie" and go for the "old 5 pointer to buy "half" of them!! Just forgot to add to your collection "7 new pair of waterproof drawers that you can were down by the Lakes".

                  Last edited by GoldVike; 04-04-2004, 04:53 PM.
                  I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!

