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Knockonwood Thurs. Plays!!!

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  • Knockonwood Thurs. Plays!!!

    Mich. minus 5!!!
    Rut/Mich Game Under 135-!!!
    Sac/Dal Game Over 219!!!
    Wish Everyone the Best tonite!!!
    Can't wait for Sat.!!! Go Duke!!! Knock!!!
    Looking at Duke and Okl. St.!!!

  • #2
    Good luck tonight Knock!!
    Good luck,


    • #3
      Thanks EZ!!! Wish you the Best of Luck also!!! Very Rare, I'm on the other side of a 5* play!!! Have a Good nite!!! Knock!


      • #4

        Congrats on a (3-0) sweep!
        Bring out the broom!

        Quote from author Peter Marshall: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything."


        • #5
          sweet job knock! good luck tomorrow!


          • #6
            you guys in the carolina's

            must be real pumped for duke's run. i used to hate them, but they are so good that you start to appreciate them. I was always a Magic fan over Jordan then I started appreciating Jordan. Those were awesome days. The Bulls were always easy money even when they would be inflated on the chalk. Its as if Jordan and Pippen were playing every night to show the line makers how wrong they were. Ive done this for many years and I don't ride chalk every night, but they were one chalk team that was unstoppable. Good luck to your Dukies. Coach K is the best bar none.


            • #7
              Im 16-0 playing NHL CHALK L3 Days:confused:


              CONGRATS KNOCK!!!!


              • #8
                Thanks Bennojd and 49ER!!!
                markman, my family has always been a Duke fan!!! I'm about 20 min. form Duke, UNC and NC St.!!! Not all people from the Carolinas are pulling for Duke though!!! Hate to say it but UNC fans and Duke Fans don't pull for each other around here!!! I know lots of UNC fans and they will be pulling Hard against Duke but thats alright!!! Use to like to watch Jordan play and figure out which side he had, could really see it a few times!!! Jordan Loved to Gamble!!! A good friend of his lives in my neighborhood, every now and then he'll stop by!!! Use to would gamble on anything!!! Agree about Coach K though, hate to see the day when he leaves!!! Thanks for wishing the Best on Duke!!! Right now I'm looking at Duke and Okl. St. but not a 100% on either one yet!!! Have to watch my heart with Duke but pretty sure about Okl. St.!!! Son is on Spring Break next week, going to the Outer Banks for 8 days!!! Hope the weather is nice and the Fish are running!!! Hope to post the Winner of the Mon. nite game befor we leave Sun.!!! Take care and Thanks to Everyone again!!! Knock!


                • #9
                  Thanks MtrCity, Appreciate that!!! 16-0!!! Damn, wish I had been with you!!! Like your Or. play, looking at NY also and a couple of more plays!!! Have a good one!!! Knock!

