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A few thoughts...

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  • A few thoughts...


    First off I have had my posting privledges suspended for the past 30 hours or I would have posted sooner. Let me get a couple of things straight. First off all of the names from the same IP#. This is true. I am a college student living in a house with 4 other college guys and we all use the same computer. Let's review the names.

    Vegas ******: This was used by my old roommate who moved out a while ago. It was used to show Mr. Numbers or *** how bad his plays were. Take a look at the posts that he had, there were very few and the majority of them poked fun at ***. The reason why he chose Vegas ****** for a name was that is what Mr. Numbers was using on another site before he came here. My roommate thought it would really eat at him if he took Vegas ****** before Mr. Numbers got it. PICKJOCKEY IS NOT *** ask your moderator, Monte, he would know as he has access to all the IP #'s.

    STATman: This is the ONLY other name that I ever posted under, I only posted a few times with this and the reason that I used this name was that I was going to keep track of how everyone was doing and who the good pickers were here on the board, not for my own benefit but to prove to *** that he was barely a 50% picker. In my opinion, STATman is the reason *** left the board, it was within a week of the STATman concept that *** started his own bullshit sight, if you don't believe me check the posts and they will tell the same story. I chose not to track everyones picks as there were 60+ people that wanted to be tracked and *** had already left the board.

    MidWestSports One of my current roommates names, he only posted a couple of times and if you guys followed his picks and lost, too bad, it would be like following anyone elses picks. Once again, PICKjockey is not MidWestSports.

    T-Wolves Pride Another one of my roommates that just signed up within the last week. It was his thread that started all the controversey. He asked for me in a thread. I was at work and he knows I am on this site quite a bit and the games were getting ready to start and he was looking for my picks. Simple as that. The "moderator" was totally wrong when he said that I was sitting right behind him, I was at work, not at home, IP #'s aren't magic, they only can tell you so much. Once again T-Wolves Pride NOT PICKjockey!!

    Dr. UNDERdog An old roommate from last semester, doesn't live here anymore and has not posted for quite a while. Once again NOT PICKjockey!!! Those of you who think that PICKjockey is using these names to build up counts or get interest in PICKjockey need to look at when and how many times these guys have posted and then figure out if you should be so critical.

    RUMDOG One of my good friends from South Dakota, does not have the same IP # as I do, I have posted from his house on occasion (maybe 10 times) when I am visiting him and watching a ballgame. For the moderator to say same I have the same IP # as RUMGOG is a blatant lie. If the moderator wants to post something of interest he could tell me and the board, HAS *** or MR. NUMBERS EVER posted from an IP # that PICKjockey or any of my friends have posted from??? Those of you who told RUMDOG to F**K OFF owe him an apology, he is nothing more than my friend and once again, HE IS NOT PICKjockey!!

    As for the other night, what happened was that my roommates posted some plays late on my thread, once I realized that I removed their posts. If you guys think that is how I have been so successful you are truly kidding yourselves, MANY of you have played my big plays and a lot of my plays throughout the day, so if you really believe that you are mistaken. For those of you who do not want to believe me it is simple, don't click on my thread, I could care less how many people look at my thread, I simply enjoy the ability to post on this forum and the interaction with the people on the forum. Any of you that think I approved of *** or have any connection to him are off your rocker. Ask you moderator to check he can set you straight.

    Wayne-- I e-mailed Monte the other night with my opinion, I did not address you, EVER, I have no problem with you that I want to air in this forum, this forum is for betting and making money, in case you have forgot. If you want to e-mail me and discuss it I will gladly discuss it there BUT not here. I was assuming that what I discussed with Monte was a private matter, that was my mistake. You, Wayne, quoting my supposed words, was yours, you lied to the people of the forum when you posted that I said that the board needs me because of my popularity and my "clicks", you are a bold-faced liar, I never said anything of the sort, I still have the e-mail as I am sure Monte does, never did I say that the board needs me, you are a fool for saying it. As far as calling me a F***ing Joker, do me the favor of staying out of my way and I will stay out of yours, don't like my thread don't click on it simple as that. It is truly sad that you had your witch hunt and made all of your accusations while keeping my posting priviledges disabled, you champion this sight as being one that does not tolerate any B.S. and I think that is great BUT you go off on your tangents without knowing all of the facts and make statements that are full of half-truths and lies. That is sad, if calling people names and calling everyone that has ever posted a praise for me "PICKjocky" makes you more of a man, that is great BUT I think Homer said it best " I don't understand why someone would do that, I guess that's because I am not that kind of person."
    Like I did say, "E-mail me" if you have a comment to make or want to talk about this, of course if you want to continue to call me names and lie, I suppose you will post.

    I am sorry that this has become such a drawn out issue, like I said before, I would have posted sooner but my posting abilities were suspended, This sight is for helping each other out, I don't know one person that I have hurt with my posts on this forum or one person who has lost a bunch because of my posts. Simply, if you don't like me or my posts don't click on them, I am simply trying to do my best to help everyone make some money!!! I thought that was our goal here?!?!
    Last edited by PICKjockey; 03-14-2004, 06:50 PM.

  • #2
    I was just curious, are you still gonna be posting your plays on this site?...from what i remember over the past few weeks, you have been doing well on your big plays and i'd still like to get your big plays if possible



    • #3

      Are you PICKjockey????

      Just Kidding.

      Yes I am still going to post my plays, If someone doesn't like me of my thread they don't have to look at it, those that wish to view them are more than welcomed!!

      Thanks for asking--

      Good Luck-


      • #4
        Hey SCAM ARTIST!

        That is exactly what i was told and i still have the PM from BC saying you said that. I won't post it out of respect for BC but i will if he wants me too.

        You are a fucken Liar! There i said it again!

        Why would you roomies not post under their name if they have their own?

        YOU ARE A LIAR!

        They would not edit their picks into your post. It makes no sense AND

        I have watched that happen for about 2 weeks from you and 2 others finally noticed.

        They know how to post under their names every other time why not when they make picks?

        You are full of shit and this reply would never had happened if your post wasn't directed at me and calling me the liar.

        My posts are NEVER edited after the game starts and my record (which is posted every day) has NEVER been questioned.


        Cause i don't make shit up. NO NEED!

        I doubt many will buy this but i can promise one thing and that is that my comments were exact from what i was told.

        Don't you think Bettorschat would have said something if i was lying?

        Think about it idiot! :angryfire


        • #5
          wow do you or any of roomates get any studying done...alot of so called handicappers at your school..and by the way the real midwest sports is tony george i still think it suxs someone comes on here and acts like a service when there not


          • #6

            If that's what you were told you were not properly informed, I never said that this forum needed me, please keep calling me names, it makes you such a man.
            The roommate that posted on my thread did start his own account yesterday as I was instructed to have him do by the moderator, he did not have an account prior to that. Tell me who or what I am trying to scam since you have called me a scam artist. Who have I scammed and what benefit have I received from this So-called scam, you really make no sense. Once again, this is the last time that I wish to discuss this with you on this forum, if you wish to waste everyones time by being your over-policing self go ahead, why don't you e-mail me and we'll discuss this there instead of fielding your insults on this forum, remember Wayne, I do not have the power to go in and edit posts as I see fit, you have that power.



            • #7
              So it's been o.k. with you that your roomies posted games with 5 minutes left in the 2nd half for at least 2 weeks under your name?

              The VERY first time 2 OTHER members CAUGHT you............... All this happened and you looked even worse going back in and editing them out.

              Your full of shit!


              • #8
                P.S. Everyone has the power to edit "Their own" threads and the name of whoever does the edit is shown right beside it. You make NO SENSE with that argument.


                • #9

                  You called me a scam artist who did I scam? Answer that question instead of the rhetoric that you post, and as far as posting games with 5 minutes to go in the half it has not been happening, ask the many people on this board who have been playing my picks they will tell you. P.S. I know you can edit your own posts, I write in if the game is a WINNER or a loss after it is finished, if you don't like my posts stay off of the thread!!!


                  • #10
                    Why do you edit win or loss? Do you think we won't be able to figure that out. No post should EVER be edited once the posted picks in it have started, period. That is not the 1st time either and you can deny all day long, it really doesn't matter to me but i know what i was watching and even had the exact 3 you erased the other night ...... After FINALLY being caught.


                    • #11

                      The more you talk the more lies you tell, up above where you just said, " My posts are NEVER edited" it took me less than 2 minutes to find one that was, why do you just want to constantly continue to cause trouble?


                      • #12
                        Are you guys still bitching and moaning about the same topic as last night. Let it go, there are still games out there to be won. Oh ya, if you look and see, Pickjockey and Rumdog are logged on at the same time and at different places. Hmmm, exactly what I was trying to tell some of you idiots last night. I am not Pickjockey!!

                        Go Yankees


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by wayne1218

                          My posts are NEVER edited after the game starts and my record (which is posted every day) has NEVER been questioned.

                          Read it again idiot! It says AFTER game has started. Keep trying to find lies that are not there to direct the attention AWAY from yourself!


                          • #14

                            Really sucks when someone makes hal-truths out of something that you say doesn't it!!! So who did I scam????


                            • #15
                              Read it again idiot! It says AFTER game has started. Keep trying to find lies that are not there to direct the attention AWAY from yourself!

