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You can always tell who I take

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  • You can always tell who I take

    Just look for the team that misses the most FTs down the stretch. St. Louis misses TWO front ends of a one and one with under a minute left, then misses another one with 7 seconds that would have given me the win. The guy who missed the two front ends is an 83% FT shooter and the guy who missed with 7 seconds left is a 79% shooter.

    And if the team I don't have isn't shooting FTs, it's guaranteed that the other team doesn't miss down the stretch like Duquesne did. All I need was 1 lousy miss down the stretch somewhere.....UGH! Another 1/2 point loss......those take their toll on you.
    Last edited by daugherty11; 03-10-2004, 11:47 PM.

  • #2
    I feel your pain brother, in the last 8 days or so I have lost by a hook on 5 or 6 of those days. We have to start seeing the other side sooner or later!


    • #3
      i hear you loud and clear i am about ready to snap
      we can share the women, we can share the wine
      we can share what we got of yours cause we done shared all of mine.


      • #4
        tHE HOOK

        I had St. Louis in a straight bet -6- and took them in a parlay with Northride but I bought the 1/2. I usually buy the hook to avoid a loss if the spread is under 10. I should have bought the hook in the straight play. How stupid I am.


