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Bounty Hunter II

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  • Bounty Hunter II

    After watching the conversation on BH's golf service the last few days I have reached a few decisions.

    I posted a poll yesterday that was straight forward and very simple. "Do you feel $900 is a good deal for a golf service?".

    Art put 2 replies on doing nothing but endorsing it. I wasn't looking for endorsements or criticism, just a general consensus.

    Betting on golf MAY be the best way to beat the casino's. I cannot dispute it because I do not have the information. However, Art, the POLL QUESTION was basically asking if $900 was a good deal. It didn't ask if it was the best way to beat the casino's.

    I was visiting with a friend and we were going to do this together. He did the original research on BH and after a few emails, which were forwarded to me, I became uncomfortable.

    I feel that Bettor's Chat endorsing a Fee based service is unethical. If BH wants to put an ad on your sight, and it discloses that it is an ad, that's one thing. But for him to be able to post and respond and give sales pitches is a bit much.

    If BC is getting a kickback, or even has an ownership stake (which seems very possible) they should disclose this. I have noticed the moderators of this sight all endorse BH.

    I find BH's self promotion somewhat unusual. The rescue of hostages and such, while valliant, has absolutely nothing to do with ones credibility in handicapping golf. The statistics that are stated are impressive. My question is "Can you produce the evidence verifying your record?

    BH, don't hold a spot for me because my friend and I choose to pass. It is a pretty simple sales tactic to create a sense of urgency, however, I find it difficult to understand why you would want to limit your clients to a few. After all, you are in this to make money as you stated. The number of clients shouldn't be relevant in this day and age of computers. And it is obvious you are computer literate.

    This is not meant as an attack on BH, but more as a negative opinion of how Bettor's Chat has handled the entire situation.

    Thanks for Ear.

    Horses_Patoot (you should understand my handle now!)

  • #2
    Well said, it was kind of what I was trying to say, but you are a hell of alot more diplomatic than I was.


    • #3
      I'm still trying to figure out what the problem is?! If you don't want to pay for his service, then don't. Who cares if you think it's too expensive or it should be free. I appreciate what you bring to this board to this board and any insight you provide on a nightly basis, but for god's sake let it go.

      P.S. I did sign up for a half a year. I felt $500 was worth the risk. God knows I've lost this amount many times over betting on other sports!


      • #4
        As a moderator of the site, I will say once again, and not anymore...I have NEVER endorsed this site. However, I have kept an open mind through this entire "thing", and honestly feel that it has become more of a discussion "issue" than it really needs to be. I think it's good to have opinions and to have a place to share them openly (like everyone is doing here) but what I don't understand is why anyone would want to judge or personally attack anyone else for wanting to try this service, or think it's legit. Bettorschat HAS stated that he was working with Ron from Bounty Hunter to try to get some more traffic to this site, so yes, in that regard they are in cahoots....If there is anything more, he will reveal it if he so wishes. Either way, I think this back-and-forth discussion is getting boring....Believe it or not, buy the service or's your choice!

        All I know is that all of this talk about golf makes me wish it was spring and I had a driver in my hand standing on the #1 tee... :D
        Good Luck!!


        • #5
          To Patoot

          I put a post on the Golf Service poll thread, descibing how King Creole endorsed golf betting as offering positive returns.

          You had some unclear objection to my making this post and I posted the a second post to explain my opinion and asked you for clarification as to why you objected to my posting King Creole's advice. You never replied. I don't know what your problem is here. Perhaps you will again read my second post below and answer it:

          Some forms of gambling are better than others. Craps, in many ways of playing it, is the best Casino play (the house cut is minimal). Most sports gambling is not so good as these plays in craps - you will lose 5% of every amount you bet, over the long haul, in straight plays in Football and Hoops.

          I believe that Golf bets, on match-ups only, is the best way of sports gambling and that horse track plays are the worst (in term of house profits on the plays).

          If you think that betting on Golf is a losing venture then tell us why.

          If you think that betting on Golf could be a good way to gamble, but that I should not tell other forum members this, then tell me why.

          If you think my advice on Golf betting should not have been placed on your Golf poll regarding Golf service costs, then tell me why.


          • #6
            Ya know the bickering on this site gets old at times, It feels like i'm in a bingo hall with 10 old ladies that all yell bingo when b7 is called.........GIVE ME A BREAK!

            If you don't like a topic then don't follow it!

            It's not that hard guys alot of us do it, just come on here and get what you need or post your picks it's that simple cause it's not your site and if you don't see something you like don't look or even give 2 shits for that matter, if WHOEVER runs this site wants to sell adds and people buy it then it's their choice.

            I'm glad BC started the Free service page to get all those scammers their own place so let's all get along for once, maybe?

            They have chat rooms out there designed just for bickering and gossip.......DAMN!


            • #7

              Did you not read the long thread about this topic? I stated I was getting 2 things from this:

              1. I do get the plays
              2. Me and Ron are working on getting an article out that goes along with a article that was just printed in Gaming Today's magazine. This in return is FREE advertising that will bring more people to the site. An ad in a magazine like that would cost me at least $5,000.

              So to call me unethical is a bit much.

              Ron will post his plays each week right after they tee off so everyone can see how he does. Now if that's a scam I would like to know how it is, because there will still be 3 rounds of Golf to play.


              • #8
                I will try to address Art and Bettor's Chat in this post.

                First to Art. You keep missing my point. In your last post you said I failed to answer your questions.

                Question 1. If I think betting on golf is a losing proposition, then why?

                Answer: I never said I thought it was or wasn't a losing or a winning proposition.

                Question 2: Do I think golf could be a good way to gamble but should not tell other members, then why?

                Answer: I never said anything in my poll as to whether I thought it was good or bad to bet on golf or share or not share with other members.

                Question 3: If I think your advice on betting on golf should not have been posted on my thread then why?

                Answer: I will answer this for the 3rd time. It is a POLL. Not a forum to endorse or criticize.

                Art, you remind me of Johnny Cochran in that you try to change the issue from what it really is.

                As for Bettor's Chat, my point of contention is that an "Advertizer", which Bounty Hunter supposedly is, usually does not have the opportunity to give his sales pitch and send private emails and have correspondance in his ads.

                But my real point of contention is, with all the self promoting BH has done, where is the proof? Is it all self proclaimed or is there proof to back up what he says. With a record like that, if he is registered, then providing proof should not be hard.

                In summary, I am not stating either way how I feel about betting on golf. I never have. I am not stating that a betting service is either good or bad. I think their are others out there that will agree with me when I say "All I want is some legitimate verification of Bounty Hunters results". I have tried to answer everyones questions that have been posed to me. However, I do not feel that my concerns have been directly addressed.

                Horses_Patoot aka Horses ass


                • #9
                  This was posted by bountyhunter in a previous thread:

                  "Monte was told of a very prominent site that was monitoring our plays in 2002..."

                  Perhaps he can tell us who was monitoring his plays last year so we can see them for ourselves?
                  Good Luck!!


                  • #10
                    "As for Bettor's Chat, my point of contention is that an "Advertizer", which Bounty Hunter supposedly is, usually does not have the opportunity to give his sales pitch and send private emails and have correspondance in his ads. "

                    He is not an advertisor

                    The only way for him to send private e-mails if someone contacts him direct.

                    As for responding to his posts I don't see why that would be a problem.

                    As for his record documentation the first half of the season was done by a casino in Vegas the 2nd half was down by a big sportsbook that's well known.

                    Best advice is just take a look at his page each week to see who the play was on and see how he does. No one is twisting anyones arm to buy his plays. If you don't want to don't its that simple.

                    I believe this topic has been exhausted out.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BettorsChat

                      I believe this topic has been exhausted out.
                      Amen to that!! :D
                      Good Luck!!


                      • #12
                        I would like to keep this subject open;

                        First of all,I would like to say that (JUST KIDDING)

                        TIME WILL TELL A LOT ON THIS SUBJECT
                        One more and I got to go


                        • #13
                          King Creole's TOP FOUR to WIN this week's PGA Tour event: The PHOENIX OPEN!
                          Looking for some big-time UNDERDOGS to CASH IN on for this week's PGA Tour Stop? Here are the KING's Top 4 guys to consider for the PHOENIX OPEN:

                          CHRIS DIMARCO (15/1)
                          How can you go wrong with the DEFENDING CHAMPION who's in "play-ON" form? Dimarco is off a 3rd place finish in last week's SONY OPEN and is very confident as he looks to defend this week. He's ranked in the TOP 20 in this week's crucial PGA Tour statistics (PUTTING average and GREENS in Regulation) and has finished in the Top Five at the TPC @ Scotsdale in each of the last two years.

                          DAVID TOMS (15/1)
                          First start of the season, but has opened his season very well in six of the last seven seasons on this Tour. He�s one of the most consistent players on Tour with top-5 finishes in 10 of 27 starts last year and while his 9th place finish two years ago (his last visit) was his best performance on this course, he has improved his finishing position on each of his last six visits to Scottsdale.

                          ROCCO MEDIATE (30/1)
                          This one is WAY too obvious and I can't believe he opened up at 50/1! We will take anything from 18/1 upwards. Now playing without back pain, he improved every round to finish 2nd in the Mercedes Championships and finished 1st (1999) or 2nd in three of the last four years here. Very obvious indeed!

                          ROBERT ALLENBY (30/1)
                          Another STRONG finish LW at the Sony Open. It meant he had secured top-5 finishes in three of his last five Tour starts. He almost won this event in 2000 - missed a 5-foot par putt on the last hole to force a playoff with Tom Lehman - Looks a big price for someone playing so well.

                          If you like profitting from the ULTIMATE 4-day wager, then check out the King's card for this week's Tour event. We have 5 big MATCHUP winners in one-on-one, 4-day matches NOW available on the "picks for Sale" page. Yours via the "pay AFTER you win" format! Join us for the ULTIMATE 4-day wager.... and bring your "A-GAME"!!

