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  • EZ/Spaarkie/Shorty

    Just wanted to thank you 3 for your analysis (and everyone else of course). My buddy and I have a system where we combine your 3 picks and weight them based on how high you rate them. Have to tell you, the last two weeks you guys have made us a lot of money......just wanted to give you guys props.

  • #2
    I second your comment. All 3 have done great!


    • #3
      Is it possible to share the system of
      your combinding all three cappers.
      there must be some "No plays in there???"


      • #4
        you guys are incredible cappers. Keep up the great work!
        2010: 23-12 +37.8
        2011: 4-0 + 20
        09-11 5*s and up: 34-7


        • #5
          thank you

          very nice company to be in.........i can only speak for myself but as you can see, i only handicap college basketball and college football.........through the years, i cannot seem to be better than 50% in the pro sports

          mine is basically a working knowledge of someone who spends so much time watching the games, and knowing about the teams......i would describe myself as an 'emotion' handicapper as you can see i rarely use systems, trends or %'s........i watch enough games and i think i have learned enough about sports to pick things out about teams

          the reason i use the word 'emotion' is because i believe for the most part, the college kids care where the pros only care when it is a must win or the playoffs.........the best 2 examples i can give you are as follows:::last year when pitt was great, i watched georgia knock them from the unbeaten and taunt them while doing it, this year when i saw georgia on pitt's schedule, i could not wait to bet on this years game.......then you throw in that georgia had a new coach with a new system and was struggling , it added up to my game of the you can tell, anyone could have used that formula to cap that game....nothing brilliant but pitt beat them soundly and did not let up

          on the flip side, this past sunday , i went to the sacramento kings-orlando magic game and because we had 3rd row seats, we saw the kings literally laughing at each other during the game, got down by 10 late in the 2nd, turned it up and blew orlando out.....however the night before they lost to miami probably b/c the guys were out too long on south beach........serious point being, in the nba, there is no emotion and some of the guys here have figured systems and trends to deal with the nba whereas my 5th grade handicapping never works b/c how do i know night in , night out whether the team will try??

          sorry so long, but that is insight into my simple way of handicapping.........with that said, it does take hours of research weekly and the internet helps supplement the knowledge that i have in ways that i cannot explain.......this is the 6th straight season (knock on wood) that i will be over 57% in capping college sports, and it was never that way pre-internet......

          hope that helps
          thanks for the comments


          • #6
            hey guys thanx$$

            i post my picks to help got some great cappers here
            Wayne...G.V..Pickjockey...Big Jim... they all deserve credit

            i base my pick and ..stats..power rankings..ats.Su..and they way the team has peformed the last 1-4 meeting

            now with the Championships it figures to be a bit more cause of the emotional factor

            good Luck and let's make some FUCK'IN money $$$$$$$$$$
            Every time i make ends meet ..someone moves the ends????


            • #7
              i agree

              you guys are some of the best. it is not only hard to pick between you three with who to follow but then throw in PickJockey, Homer,Wayne, and Goldvike it is nearly impossible!!! i too am beginning to try to just develop a system that gets the best from all of you you see in my posts as of recently it hasn't worked but personally somehow I still have won. thanks guys!!


              • #8
                Thanks for the kind words guys! I am proud to be a part of the greatest collection of handicappers on the net! We all need to thank BC for making this possible!
                Good luck,


                • #9

                  What happened to that guy down 200k that was following your plays?

                  I havent seen him around lately!


                  • #10
                    He has been doing pretty well. We have been chipping away slowing but surely, he has showed a profit four out of the last five weeks.
                    Good luck,


                    • #11
                      Amen :

                      Originally posted by ez winners
                      Thanks for the kind words guys! I am proud to be a part of the greatest collection of handicappers on the net! We all need to thank BC for making this possible!

                      " Wager Daddy "

                      E Z



                      ps - notice how close the " happy faces are rubbin on ya ? "
                      Last edited by MemphisMafia; 03-10-2004, 02:50 AM.
                      " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                      • #12
                        Combining Picks - Or Damn This Is Long

                        Tony Vegas said:
                        i too am beginning to try to just develop a system that gets the best from all of you guys..........

                        Daugherty11 said:
                        My buddy and I have a system where we combine your 3 picks and weight them based on how high you rate them.

                        First off, I think this is a thread that can help a lot of people. I didn't realize Tony and Daugherty11 are trying to figure a way to get the most from all your hard work, just like I am. FWIW, this is how I do it.

                        For starters, I have tried to select the 6 to 10 handicappers here, who I think are doing the best. Call them the "Best of the Best". They include many of the names already mentioned in this thread. What I do, is to try and read all their plays and how they rated them. Then I use my schedule to mark next to the team name, the initials or name(s) of those who picked that team with the number of stars or units showing how strongly they feel about the play.

                        In addition, I try to base the strength of the play on whose play it is and how strong the play is. The stronger the play, means I mark the boxes closest to the team name and the weaker plays are in the boxes farthest to the right. These are the boxes that are for the score by quarters, or where some people write the line moves. I mark everything in red so it stands out. For example tonight, I had a lot of red showing all the way from the far right box to the far left box for Louisana Tech and Ill-Chicago. Because I didn't mark anyone against Louisana Tech and only one very good capper against Ill-Chicago, those were my two biggest plays tonight. I usually will only play on a team where more than one of the cappers I follow, picked that team. The only exception is when someone has a GOY type play or feel really good about something and no one has a strong play on the other side.

                        While I certainally appreciate the great results from all the hard work you put in, one more thing would really help. I use your records to try to determine who I should follow and how strongly I should consider your plays. I'm asking if those of you who don't post your records, could post them maybe just once a week or more, assuming you keep this info. Those of you who post comprehensive records showing how you are doing by sport and the strength of your plays, really make it much easier to try and pick who to follow. If you read this far, sorry this is so long but I have done very well most nights by doing this. No, not by writing long posts.

                        I hope the rest of you can post your records as often as you can. It really does help some of us, more than you know.


                        • #13
                          Pake/Sandman/Tony V.....

                          There's nothing too scientific to the way we pick games, and the thing my partner and I need to do better is to manage our money a bit better.

                          Basically what we do is look at EZ/Spaarkie/Shorty first, and write down who they took. Then in a seperate area, I'll write down picks from guys like Homer, MMM, Wayne, PickJockey, GoldVike, Tony Mejia, picks that we like, usually a couple guys from the Ceasar Sports on their NCAA plays, and any "hot" services.

                          Each of EZ/Spaarkie/Shorty's picks get 2 "stars", and if it's a Shorty 10* or top rated EZ/Spaarkie selection, they get 3 stars. When looking at picks from the other guys, they get 1 star each. I also subtract stars when someone goes against them. For example, EZ has team A (for 2 stars) but Homer, Wayne and MMM have team B, so I subtract 3 stars from that team. I'll only play a game once it has 3 stars or more on it. Obviously, the more stars, the stronger the play, thus the more money we'll put on it.

                          What we need to figure out though, is a correlation between # of stars & # of units, which we're doing now. We've been looking at their plays (and others) for awhile, but just started this system, and it's working out very well so far. We went 4-0 on Monday and 3-2 last night. As long as those guys stay hot.......we're looking good! Thanks again, guys. If you ever come to Texas, first beer is on us!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by daugherty11

                            There's nothing too scientific to the way we pick games, and the thing my partner and I need to do better is to manage our money a bit better.

                            I hear only problem is playin too much on too many games. I get too excited and bet too much then have to chip away to get back in it. The cappers on here are great. Thanks to all of them and to BC for this site!!


                            • #15
                              t vegas/daugherty

                              the past few months have been so much fun, i am hoping march will keep bringing the winners and i cannot wait til college football season .........this year i got in too late, posted 50 games, went 29-21, which truthfully was consistent with my entire season and i will always take anything over 57% and be very happy with it

                              honestly, i do not bet nearly enough to have it affect my life so my enjoyment and pain comes more from posting winners (and losers) than my own winning and losing...........

                              if there are 2 things i could teach any gambler, b/c it really is impossible to explain how i pick games any better than i did yesterday , it is ::

                              1)never pay for a service, ever, ever , ever ever......the people here have proven they are just as good, and really better without all the bs , and of course, cost............

                              2)money management--->it is by far the hardest thing to learn..........but the basics of it really aren't..........i think once college basketball ends, i will devote more time to the money management of posts b/c if you saw the way i capped the pro sports, you would laugh (or cry if you followed me)

                              thanks for all the kind words, and believe me, all the guys named appreciate it and can never hear enough of it

                              although i sound like a broken record, my reason for joing this site was how impressed i was with people and the hope the i could actually add something to the ridiculous records homer had in college football and memphis mafia seems to have in everything......but i was tired of locally having every friend call me and ask for games, and if i went 3-2 on a saturday, have to hear about the losses.....ot those college football weeks where i would go 4-9 and feel terrible because i know these idiot friends i have would lose all their money and blame me........that never happens here...........i went on a 1-6 10* slide and apparently some guy blasted me so badly BC had to take it off.......i never read it but goldvike and some of the others were so mean to the dude, i do not think i ever saw him that type of assistance and would provide the same to anyone here


