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Eagles Sign Kearse

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  • #16
    I'll take it. Good signing as long as they can keep him healthy!


    • #17
      nice signing kearse.......all we need is a wr and middle linebacker.....


      • #18
        Beagles Fans..

        Last time I looked it wasnt the defensive line that was the problem for the Birds this year.

        Shore up the linebacker and safety play and how about the offense?

        This sigining is a typical Reid signing..I would say he is like Trotter, who since leaving did zilch and his leaving didnt do any harm or good for the Birds.

        Where are the running backs, where are the wide receivers, where is Donny and his afro?

        The real problem with the Birds is the big fat guy roaming the sidelines..he has no experience in the big games (winning that is) and I dont think he can do it. This signing is a finger in the dam for the me some offensive weapons and I might change my mind about Mr.Cheesesteak and the season for the Birds..



        • #19

          When the Eagles were posting 30-35 points a game in December, we had a healthy Westbrook and were scoring all over people. Against the Panthers in Charlotte ( a win ), Westbrook was a force. He did not play in the NFC title game. He will play next year.
          Eagles don't need a safety, we need a LB when Emmons does not sign, and we could use help at WR, obviously. Emmons was defensive MVP of Eagles (and also did not play in NFC title game due to injury). Defensive line will be healthy this year.
          I would like to see the Eagles sign T.O. and a veteran corner.


          • #20
            Safety????? Birds have this guy named B Dawk, ever heard of him??

            Oh yeah he's like the best safety in Football!!!

            Also have this guy named Michael Lewis , have you seen him at all? That fucking guy can hit!!!


            • #21
              That loot could've been better spent resigning BOTH corners.
              The Rice Truck is NEVER Wrong!!!


              • #22

                Beagles got burned quite a bit last year with the deep ball, more than in seasons past.

                The issue isnt safety..the issue isnt linebacker. Look at my point, the problem is the coach and the offense..and hell, the offensive scheme. Reid needs to revamp his head and start using new offensive strategies. This 2 yard dump and a block by the receivers or running back is not working anymore.

                Barring a real big addition on the offensive side I just cannot see the Birds improving next year. Too many concerns on offense and a coach who thinks he knows it all. Until Reid admits to his weaknesses, hands over some of the responsibilities and shores up the offense, then I cannot see them getting back to the NFC championship game. If they do it is more of a reflection on the league than on the team themselves.

                I hope the Redskins kick the Beagles butt..maybe it will get Reid fired.. I say this being from Philly btw..


                • #23
                  whaaaaaaaaaa any team would have taken kearse, but could it be a curse??? ohhhh

                  i didnt know tony vegas was a luda fan
                  Success will be the best revenge


                  • #24
                    seanie..........nevermind! i was being a dumb ass
                    Last edited by Tony Vegas; 03-04-2004, 11:24 AM.


                    • #25
                      League sources contended Wednesday afternoon that the Eagles might also explore the possibility of trading for San Francisco wide receiver Terrell Owens.

