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Poll Question

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  • Poll Question

    Inasmuch as there has been a debate the last few days regarding whether certain players in the NBA at times try to control the pointspread and/or total, I thought it would be interesting to get a general feel as to how everyone feels about it.
    Here are the questions:
    1) Do you feel that any players in the League at times try especially hard to cover/not cover the pointspread and/or over/under?
    2) If you answer is yes, then do you feel that this happens a lot(at least 2-3 times or more a week), occasionally(maybe 4 or 5 times a month) or rarely (just a handful of times during the entire NBA season)?
    3) What team and/or players do yo feel is most guilt of this?
    4) If you believe there is some kind of point shaving in the NBA, then why do you think the offending players do it(for money, to help out/hinder someone they know who is gambling on the game or perhaps because they it gives them a kick and/or ego thrill or perhaps some other reason)?
    5) If you think players do partake in trying to fix the pointspread, do you think the NBA Office knows or suspects it and/or cares?

  • #2
    I guess it's appropriate for me to answer LOL

    1. No! Especially hard? Without the phrase 'especially hard' I'd answer YES on a rare occasion but I don't think they give 125% to influence the game for the spread.

    2. NA

    3. Shaq

    4. Kicks!

    5. NO WAY!


    • #3
      Savage add a 6 question.

      I think it happens often in college hoops. Probably a few times each season. It's very easy to payoff a college star who has no NBA future.


      • #4
        Questions :

        1) No Doubt !

        2) Rarely

        3) Tough question but if I where with the NBA as a so called " watcher " I would concentrate on lower tier players with sudden chances to log more minutes due to injuries or leaves of absence or trades (recently) where players need days to get ready. After that it would also be worth watching a few stars that are (or has kin-folk) in tough financial situations due to limitless reasons ( bookies , drugdealers , investments , notes due , divorces , and so on ).

        3a) Each case would have to be looked at with great scrutiny , but certain teams as well as players have what the media calls a off-nite ( some to often ? )

        4) Limitlesss answers could apply here

        5) Not a Chance !



        :cool: :cool: :cool:

        ps - remember the old addage :

        " If it wears underware , it will cheat "
        Last edited by MemphisMafia; 03-02-2004, 11:47 AM.
        " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


        • #5
          Here are my answers to my own poll:
          3)Lakers in a landlside
          4)To help one of their buddies win a bet OR just because of the thrill of doing it.
          I really believe some players like many everyday folks have a little bit of the little boy in them that wants the thrill of seeing whether they can get away with it;as stated I don't believe the offending players necesssarily weigh that against the consequences.
          Did the Enron and Worldcom CEO's think rationally when the lied and falsified information?
          5) A tough question for sure.
          I'll say this-even though pointspread may not be involved directly, I think there is subtle pressure buy the league put on referrees in big games where tv ratings are involved to try to keep the games close;don't ask me to define subtle pressure, but as stated before, big money talks.
          Look at that NBA Allstar game-zillions of points scored and yet it wasn't decided until last few minutes;perhaps even the players helped in this one.
          Last edited by savage1; 03-02-2004, 11:55 AM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by savage1

            I'll say this-even though pointspread may not be involved directly, I think there is subtle pressure bty league put on referrees in big games where tv ratings are involved to try to keep the games close;don't ask me to define subtle pressure, but as stated before, big money talks.
            This I buy. I don't think the refs fix the games. However, I believe they are influenced. Some calls are so blatanly incorrect it really makes you wonder.


            • #7

              Post that as an actual vote poll and I will make it a sticky.


              • #8
                BC-sorry don't know how to do that;you can if you like.


                • #9

                  When you click new thread make sure to check the box marked

                  Yes! post a poll

                  and put the number of questions you need below it


                  • #10
                    Thanks-I'll remember that.


                    • #11
                      Point Shaving

                      One of the numerous ways to fix a basketball game ... side or total ... is with free throws . In the last minute or 2 of many games free throws determine the spread outcome. No excuse whatsoever not to make 85 % minimum with gifted athletes who have been shooting free throws since childhood . First I'd take a long look at the starting players and 6 th man with the worst free throw percentages... chances are there is where I'll find the Un - American Scumbag point - shaving criminal.
                      Hmmm ... does Shaquille O'Neil pop into your head first and foremost ? And don't give me that crap about his hands being too big . lol I'm sure there are others .


                      • #12
                        CoverBoy-great points!


                        • #13
                          i think fixing does occur, no so much in the nba, and not so much with the big college teams

                          but i think with your wisconsin-milwaukee and austin peays of the college world i think for certain it happens
                          Success will be the best revenge


                          • #14

                            Boston College got popped 5 or so years ago for football . Arizona State for college basketball ... It can happen anywhere ... any time. If you want to see something really Smelly .. please locate and watch the Marvin Hagler - Sugar Ray Leonard Title Fight . Good Old Marvin was a 3-1 fave that night. Hagler's last fight before he went to Italy to make deodorant commercials while in the midst of a divorce from his wife Bertha.

                            If you get the chance I'd really like to hear your opinion on that fight. - Cuv


                            • #15
                              Coverboy-I remember those pointshaving scandals very well.
                              I can't comment on boxing as I don't follow it closely, but I do think over the years there have been many, many fixed fights, and is probably the easiest sport because there are only 1 or 2 folks you have to get to.

