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  • #31
    Originally posted by Sports-Plays
    They aren't. It's just a bunch of whining degenerate gamblers that don't have the intelligence to start their own service.[/URL]
    Each time you open your mouth you continue to show what a fucking moron you are.

    Intelligence? You don't know what I do. I sleep very well at night knowing a have a very profitable LEGIT business. Best of all I know my customers are satisfied. They will be back. They always come back.

    Degenerate gambler? You have no idea how I do. You have no idea how much I bet. I can tell you this. At no time is my mortgage, truck payment etc at risk. I bet recreationally. I don't play to retire from working. My wagers are nothing more than a night on the town.

    I'm willing to bet you don't even play all your own selections. I'd bet a substaintially amount of money on that.


    • #32
      I Believe :

      that if ladies had taken up the offer ( time permiting ) that the outcome would have been far different than it was .

      Your use of language and who you direct it at , is horrible !

      " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


      • #33
        Originally posted by Sports-Plays

        I will gladly take the money! If that makes me somebody that "takes advantage of the gullible" then I guess Frank, you are correct.
        You are a disgraceful human being. Get you punk ass outta here. If you are that good you wouldn't be hanging around here. LOSER!


        • #34
          Why you all continue to waste your time and effort even acknowledging these jack asses is beyond me.

          Anyone who reads this board knows the general lack of respect services have garnered through both their win percentage and their tactics.

          Its like at the front door of my bar... calmly explain the situation using facts to back up your statements, but don't bother having a argument over it.

          You can't use logic vs. the illogical.

          EDIT: Lets not rehash this old thread
          Last edited by bigjimt; 03-02-2004, 11:57 AM.
          The Rice Truck is NEVER Wrong!!!


          • #35

            You are correct! I'm done posting in this thread.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Sports-Plays
              They aren't. It's just a bunch of whining degenerate gamblers that don't have the intelligence to start their own service.

              BC: Yes there is more than one of us at Sports-Plays. And I didn't know that 14 games over .500 was "getting my ass handed to me". Plus, I had the 2nd highest percentage.....NEXT TO LEO. It really doesn't matter what our units were because our clients bet what they want. We don't give out ratings anymore.

              I noticed you, nor Frank or any of you other girls decided to play in the contest. Where did the contest become "elite"?? You ladies can read can't you? "A solid NHL capper who recently locked himself in at the #1 position at BettorsChat where a contest has been going on since February 1st"...that's all it says.

              Homer...."Agree Man. Its really sad. The way you and EZ did in February you both would have ran even farther the Leo did away from the pack."....can you suck any more dick??!

              You all need to remember are all just sports gamblers and that's pretty much it. If you took half as much energy as you do coming here everyday ranting on and on and maybe invested time with your girlfriend/wife or kids and maybe invested your money in the market or real estate, you might actually ENJOY life a little more. I know that posting pics of really hot girls is fun (if your a high school sophmore) but doesn't it get old? This may come as a shock, (especially to frank) but people pay us to give them picks. I will gladly take the money! If that makes me somebody that "takes advantage of the gullible" then I guess Frank, you are correct.

              Put something on the line, like money and let's have a REAL contest. I don't care who it is, I will go against anybody. You guys talking all this shit about how great you are but you would NEVER be a service is like leBron James sitting at home saying how great he is but doesn't want to play for "the man"!! You come to this site for a reason...

              Now...go sign up for our $4000 two week package BITCHES!!!

              Sports Plays,

              No, I would wager that the majority of the people on this site that post their plays actually put money on them so they don't need to start a service. You get my point? Maybe not. What I mean is you don't put any cash on your all of your plays now do you.

              14 games over .500 huh? Who cares look at your freaking units. And don't tell me that your customers wager what they want on the games as that's bullshit tactic. You rate your plays based on the strength of the games. So a player may play $100 a unit or another player may play $500 a unit so they would be down based on your ratings.

              Maybe none of us joined as we don't have the time. I'm strapped on time now running all of my sites, grading plays, monitoring the sites and my outside life. Did your ass join the MM contest?

              Look who the one is writing a whole damn book on the subject and entering a contest so he can get noticed more since its in the all sports discussion section. Yet you bitch that we have plenty of time on our hands and waste it on the site looking at nude pics. You're the one who had the extra time to get in a contest and lose his ass. You're the one who doesn't put actual money on his own plays. You're the one who said it was ok to take advantage of sports bettors by selling them plays.

              You must be looking at those pics of them women too since there posted in a separate section. Please think before you type your response as I don't want to have too educate you again on how you try to spin everything yet contradicte yourself.


              • #37

                Well said! Bravo!


                • #38

                  This is the WHINY bitch who begged every day to post in our forum. Your records on Homer's link also speak for themself idiot.

                  You only had 6 people in your little pool probably cause you were in it and nobody here wants to be where a service is JACKASS!

                  ***MMM*** runs the BIGGEST and BEST pool here and in case you didn't notice there are a HELL of alot more people in it.

                  There is also alot worse things people could be doing instead of being here just read the newspaper or watch the news. BC good point on the girls too cause it's real funny how he knows all about them.

                  I hope you can't reply to this asshole cause that would mean your banned. What a stupid move on your part and in your business to get booted from this site (the best).

                  Sorry about the language Memphis....BUT Sports-Plays you are fucken SCUM!


                  • #39
                    WHAT GIRLS?

                    Did I miss something LOL

                    The funny thing with the pix of girls. Lucky Leo was one of the members who posted some pix. The very same new partner of Scum-bag Sports-Plays.


                    • #40
                      Re: WHAT GIRLS?

                      Originally posted by frankb03
                      Did I miss something LOL

                      The funny thing with the pix of girls. Lucky Leo was one of the members who posted some pix. The very same new partner of Scum-bag Sports-Plays.
                      GREAT POINT!

                      He now has a High School Kid working for him i guess!

                      Great call frank, once again he looks even DUMBER ......... If that's possible.


                      • #41
                        This is the same person who early on in the contest posted after most of the games had started and said he didn't realize what time it was....I guess your customers didn't know either and post played your plays, what an idiot.....Get Lost...


                        • #42
                          HOW IRONIC

                          It was Lucky Leo's idea to have a contest. He started the thread. He named the thread Lets call services out


                          The irony in the thread he states All these services that think they are so good. In the end he becomes part of a service.

                          If it looks like an ass-hole, talks like an ass-hole and walks like an ass-hole..... well then he must be a fucking ass-hole.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by golfguru
                            This is the same person who early on in the contest posted after most of the games had started and said he didn't realize what time it was....I guess your customers didn't know either and post played your plays, what an idiot.....Get Lost...


                            • #44
                              Re: HOW IRONIC

                              Originally posted by frankb03
                              It was Lucky Leo's idea to have a contest. He started the thread. He named the thread Lets call services out


                              The irony in the thread he states All these services that think they are so good. In the end he becomes part of a service.

                              If it looks like an ass-hole, talks like an ass-hole and walks like an ass-hole..... well then he must be a fucking ass-hole.


                              • #45

                                You know maybe I did make a mistake doing what I did. But I applaude all of the people that went start to finish in the contest. Not like some people not to mention names (Frank) but some people quit. So how does it feel to be a quitter Frank. You can bash me all you want I deserve some of it. But for someone that quits a contest you are sure doing alot of talking now.

