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NBA Fixed you say??

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  • NBA Fixed you say??

    Arguably the TOP 1 to 3 teams in the NBA with Minn go into Philly who is missing NOT ONE
    BUT COUNT THEM FOUR of their starters!! (when Dalenbert goes down)

    While Minn has all of their starters healthy AND have Wally S and Troy back with games under their belt!

    FIXED YOU SAY?? Even Burnt Musbragger and his lick dick buddy from the "Waltons" were ho hum announcing it already knowing the outcome........BOTTOM LINE

    LESSON LEARNED HERE on betting the 2nd half obvious on fixed games.!!

    I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!

  • #2
    Goldvike-don't forget the Lakers.
    As usual, they covered against Wash. when everyone was on the Wizards.
    Today, when most folks thought they might be tired and complacent, and that Nets might blow them out, what happens?
    Instead of Nets and over, which were picks of many, you get LA and under-how interesting.
    I wonder who David Stern had.
    Now you know why I for one don't try to handicap Laker games and rarely bet on or against them or on total.
    Jack Price with his 50-2 record of betting on or against Lakers is the only guy we should listen to.


    • #3
      Minny couldn't even win because someone must have bought off Cassell. He did nothing but throw up 3's the entire 4th quarter and was so bad, he even had a couple "air balls" for good measure. All they had to do was go inside to Garnett, when they were only down two, but thanks to Cassell, who I never have liked, they didn't. I think Cassell is the most selfish shooter since Rick Barry. And the little punk is grinning after missing so many shots. GV, you probally know much more about Cassell and if he is good for your T-Wolfs or not, but what I saw tonight couldn't be good for anyone. Except the people who took Philly.


      • #4
        The whole game was Bullshit, I mean how does the Twolves lose outright to a team that's best players are out? Maybe not covering is one thing, but outright losing is bullshit.


        • #5
          I wonder if David Stern had the Sixers/Fixers tonight.


          • #6
            This is a repeat of the last post and should be deleted.
            Last edited by savage1; 03-01-2004, 11:05 AM.


            • #7
              I sit on the other side of the fence on this issue. Maybe I'm naive. There's no chance in hell any NBA player is going to fix a game. To fix a game that player would have to play an ample amount for minutes. Players who get the minutes make far too much money for them to fix a game. They are not going to risk it.

              The only possiblity for fixing a game is the refs. Yesterdays, Philly/Minny box score doesn't reflect that. It wasn't the refs that shot 35% FG and 22% 3pt. Nor was it the refs that turned the ball over 14 times to Philly's 8. Minny out-rebounded Philly. There were no technical fouls.

              IMO at this level the talent is very close. It's the same as football's 'on any given Sunday'. Clearly Minny overlooked Philly. Quite simply Minny didn't come to play. Cassell avgs 21/ppg he had 13. Spree had 5 points. He averages 17.


              • #8
                My take on the "possible fixing" is this: If games were "fixed", how on earth could these egotistical, outspoken bastards be expected to keep quiet about it? Someone, like Cassell, would at some point mistakenly let something slip. It would be inevitable and it has yet to happen.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by thesandman
                  Minny couldn't even win because someone must have bought off Cassell. He did nothing but throw up 3's the entire 4th quarter and was so bad, he even had a couple "air balls" for good measure. All they had to do was go inside to Garnett, when they were only down two, but thanks to Cassell, who I never have liked, they didn't. I think Cassell is the most selfish shooter since Rick Barry. And the little punk is grinning after missing so many shots. GV, you probally know much more about Cassell and if he is good for your T-Wolfs or not, but what I saw tonight couldn't be good for anyone. Except the people who took Philly.
                  Minny has the 3rd best record in basketball. They lose ONE game on the road that they should win and some are screaming fix.

                  BTW Cassell took three 3-point shots, all in the 4th quarter. He leads his team in assists. The 'most selfish' shooter in the NBA is 5th in the league in assists.


                  • #10
                    Frank-in theory you are right about NBA players making too much money to try to fix a pointspread or total.
                    However, as they say after money the next thing one desires is power, and I am convinced that certain Laker players love trying to control the pointspread or over/under late in 4th quarter when actual outcome is not in doubt(when hopefully no one is watching or cares other than bettors), the purpose being to try to confound and/or help certain individuals who have a financial interest in the final score.
                    As stated before, no one can convince me that the trouble in capping Laker games and totals is totally by chance after watching all the suspicious shit that goes on in their games day in and day out.
                    Can I prove it? Of course not.
                    However, just show me a bettor or two who can handicap Laker games and totals consistently;certainly all the bitching about the outcome in this forum from folks losing when betting on or against this crooked team and same for totals shows something.
                    Also I wouldn't be surprised if occasionally a referree or two tries to abet(no pun intended) the players trying to impact the outcome.
                    Last edited by savage1; 03-01-2004, 11:20 AM.


                    • #11
                      savage1, we've had this debate before.

                      Do I think NBA players fix games? NO CHANCE. If the Lakers are involved in a close game. I'm certain the furthest thing on their mind is the spread or total on the game. At home the Lakers are often DD favorites. It's POSSIBLE a player or two might be aware of the number. There's also no chance in hell that during a game any players are discussing the spread of that game.

                      It's also possible a player such as Shaq has a friend that he tells before the game to bet the over. Then Shaq would try his best to make the game go over the total. Even after the outcome is pretty much determined. I highly doubt Shaq has any vested interest in the outcome of any game.

                      Sorry I just don't see it!

                      There's probably many bettors who recently made a ton of money betting the Lakers 'Under'. With all their injuries the games were continously 'Under'.

                      The refs are the only ones who can 'fix' a game. Do I think they do it? NO! Would you? I know I wouldn't! Having a cushy job as a NBA ref. Also as I stated in my previous reply. The box score of yesterday's game doesn't reflect the fix was in by the ref.


                      • #12
                        Frank- first of all I am saying that I think more than a few players in the league or on teams are aware of the pointspreads;most players read the papers and sportspage ,and just about every paper has the poinstspread.
                        When I use the term vested interest, I am not saying players bet on the games, BUT as you say I think sometimes some of players try to help other individuals wint their bets (their friends as you for example) by for example trying to win but not cover or viceversa or trying to make game go over or stay under.
                        I don't think they have discussions in game, like for example in a timeout in 4th quarter discussing the pointspread-definitely not.
                        However, I have seen enough in my many years of following, and betting the NBA and investing in the stock market to know that when big money is involved, funny things can and do happen and not for the interest of the average bettor/investor but rather for the benefit of the select few.
                        I of course respect your opinion on this matter but do not agree at all.


                        • #13
                          I've said it over and over.... Cassell is on the take, he use to do that shit back in Milwaukee.... Lets start a list of players on the take...

                          1. Sam Cassell
                          2. Gary Payton
                          3. Chris Webber
                          ....CUZ I'M RICK JAMES BBYYAATTTCCCHHH!!! Show Charlie Murphy ya titties!!


                          • #14
                            SweetLou-three excellent choices.


                            • #15
                              So, here is my opinion on one of my favourite topics!

                              It is not very likely that a NBA game can be fixed. We are speaking about guys that are earning millions over millions and to fix a game really good you need several players to be involved. That means the person (or the syndicate) that is fixing the game has to invest a sum that is somewhere in the medium 7 figures.
                              To make a good profit they would have to bet a sum that is in the HIGH 8 figures! This kind of money would be very, very hard to bet with bookmakers because the line changes would make so many people suspicious that the fix would be pretty obvious.
                              Fixing such games is simply not realistic.

                              College sports are another thing. I am pretty sure that there a dozen of fixed games during the season, where some good gamblers are paying some college players ten or twenty grand to make sure they play with only 50% of their power or something like that. (IMO this is not big crime, by the way)

                              I know my point of view is not shared by a lot of people.
                              But that's how I think about it.

                              You need people like me so you can point your fingers and say Hey there's the bad guy! So, what does that make to you. Good guys? Don't kid yourselves. You're no better'n me. You just know how to hide and how to lie. Me, I do not have that problem. I always tell the truth, even when I lie!
                              Tony Montana, Scarface

