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Heres Another Big Play

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  • Heres Another Big Play

    folks im riding today out, i am personally got my ncaa GOY WINNER!!! on George washington -4 winng by 23!!!!

    Now here is my Oddsmaker Error of the year Play

    once again, no writeups, stats, or trends, just the pick

    TCU +6, i like them to win the game by 10
    Success will be the best revenge

  • #2
    i dont think its possible to be so wrong on a game and still get the win, final ecu 75 tcu 70....they didnt win by 10, but i guess it was kinda an oddsmaker error LMAO!!!

    none the less, this forum has slept on me before, slept on me today, and will sleep on me in the future

    my highest rated play ever, george washington -4, my ncaa goy, wins by 23 point, 1 response

    oddsmaker error of the year, tcu +6, ****** by 1 point 0 responses

    folks keep sleepin, ill keep winnin

    Success will be the best revenge


    • #3
      Not sleepin S.M.!

      Been studying MAO putting out plays as you do! THANKS FOR THE PLAY! You were not wrong so long as you win! But I know what you mean......I put out the same type of paired plays the other night with MSU....Like I called the game as it was happening....then blew chunks on my call for game number two in an outright blunder!

      ANYWAY! THANKS FOR THE PLAYS!! I WAS ON TCU after I saw your post! Would have been a no play otherwise.

      Thanks for extra jack!! BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!! Goldv
      I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!


      • #4
        i dont even care if anyone responds, im a bettors chat youngn, ill earn respect someday. i just dont post plays everyday...only when i like em alot
        Success will be the best revenge


        • #5
          Hola SeanieMac. I do follow your plays. Haven't been able to play many of them because I try to get my plays in early most of the time but I do like getting your input. I'm a newbie here but haven't posted picks yet. Someday I'll start. Keep those winners coming. Any games your looking at for tomorrow yet?:D :D :D


          • #6
            seanie mac

            i look at your plays often but didn't get this one in........don't sweat.....keep up the good work and you will get notice....


            • #7
              Originally posted by SeanieMac
              none the less, this forum has slept on me before, slept on me today, and will sleep on me in the future
              Congrats on 2 nice selections.

              Try a little humble pie. You'll get noticed and more respect. IMO the biggest problem you have is your GOSomething posts. Many users here shy away from those type of selections. It seems every other day you have some kinda GOY. You 'Oddsmaker Error of the year Play'. You come across as a service. I'm certain you know what most regular posters here think of the services. When I read your posts they sound like services advertisements.

              A few GOY selections does not make a handicapper. Take a look at EZ selections. He has respect because he doesn't toot his own horn and he's picked winner long-term.

              Finally, try refraining from refering to yourself in the 3rd person.

              That said keep up the good work.


              • #8
                I somewhat share Frankb03's feelings and initally, from your wordings, I did think you were part of a service. I do not play service picks, because most services don't come close to the winning percentages the people here have.

                However SeanieMac, the real reason I have not played your selections yet is because there are so many excellent handicappers here, I cannot play everyones selections. It's a great problem to have but for now, I try to follow the handicappers who are doing best on a long term basis. The best way I can tell who can best pick winners, is by reading their won and loss records. Unfortunially, you and some others, do not post your won/loss records with your selections. To be honest, I am leery of risking my money on someones selections if I don't have an idea as to how well their plays are doing.


                • #9
                  LMAO!!! guys i was just playing. At the time i wrote that stuff i was going nuts because TCU came back and got the cover. They were losing the whole game and made a push with around 4 mins left, then i looked again and they only lost by 5. I literally pulled 2 games out of my ass yesterday and just put GOY on them. I did love GW. But im done with research and analysis. If i like a game when i see it, im playing it.

                  I have 0 thoughts on todays games, anybody else like anything, i was maybe thinking about GA Tech or Nc St because i like they way they have been playing, but as of right now, i have absolutely no serious feelings for a game.

                  i have reeled off 6 in a row s. florida, byu, colorado, illinois, gw, tcu

                  LETS GET EM TODAY BOYS!!!!
                  Success will be the best revenge


                  • #10
                    Bookie Killer. You may think what you wrote is funny but I certainly do not. I spent my time trying to respond to your note in a thoughful, helpful manner because I know what it is like to post a play and have it go unnoticed. And the whole time all you were doing is trying to mindfuck everyone here. Instead all you have done is to give credence to why I don't just blindly play someones pick. At least I have learned tonight not to even read your notes, let alone follow what comes out of your ass. You, boy, have some serious growing up to do. You are not going to earn any respect until you do.


                    • #11
                      calm down

                      if the guys says he was only jokng then what it the big deal.........some of you guys take things way to serious when it is not even directly wrote about you. lighten up and keep up the good work Seanie.


                      • #12

                        Last week you posted a GOY but I'm not playing it. It's hard to take someone serious when they don't play their own selections. You took a beating in the member-service contest (not that I did any better) but you want respect. Look at the cappers on this board who's post's get viewed. EZ and Shorty as examples post their selections, some analysis and record. They are not proclaiming themselves as bookie killers. But they are.

                        Continue posting and picking winners. You'll get respect. Let your winning selections do the talking.

                        Tony, he might have been kidding. I don't think he was. However, gambling for most on this board is serious. Players are risking their own money. In some cases too much.


                        • #13
                          Sean one thing i noticed with the GW pick was that you posted well after the game started (15-20 mins.) and i know you said you couldn't get on the site, but a GOY after the game started doesn't really help people that can't get the pick in........... therefore there was nobody to thank you for it at the time.

                          Keep making picks. It's a marathon and if you are consistent for a long period of time then you will get noticed.




                          • #14
                            sandman has issues, he must of had duquesne +4 and east carolina -6, oh well

                            i be more serious guys, you guys dont like my nonsense picks? my bookie thinks they are funny, oh well

                            should i give my im scared to post because im afraid of sandman acc game of the year on ga tech -5?

                            or should i just say i like ga tech?
                            Success will be the best revenge


                            • #15
                              the same people who make fun of me are the ones requesting the same bullshit from handicappers, they have at least 100 games of the year a year, and most of you want them, but i make up nonsense and im crucified

                              wayne, ya i couldnt get to the website, shit happens
                              Success will be the best revenge

