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ez winners

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  • ez winners

    great job last night. went to bed thinking boston was a loser. woke up pleasantly surprised. keep up the good work!

  • #2
    I had to use every Voodoo trick I knew for us to get that one!!!

    Good luck,


    • #3
      I was on the Clippers. That's my second loser in as many days with a team leading by double digit in the closing minutes only to lose the ATS. Last night I flipped on the game. The Clippers were up by 12 with about 4 minutes remaining. I turned the game back on with less than 1 minutes they were up by 2. Outscore 14-5. The night before I was on the Pistons. They had a 12 point lead with 2:13 remaining.

      What happened with that game? Why did it take almost 3 hours to play?
      Last edited by frankb03; 02-20-2004, 12:00 PM.


      • #4
        Thats the NBA for ya... Money went on the clips, from 3.5 to 5 at game time and look what happened... amazing, i was on Boston, i had the ML for 1 unit... Thats why i hate betting in the Natl BS Assn...
        ....CUZ I'M RICK JAMES BBYYAATTTCCCHHH!!! Show Charlie Murphy ya titties!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by SweetLou
          Thats the NBA for ya... Money went on the clips, from 3.5 to 5 at game time and look what happened... amazing, i was on Boston, i had the ML for 1 unit... Thats why i hate betting in the Natl BS Assn...
          I played it at 3.5. Late last night I saw it went to 4.5. The kiss of death.

