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EZ, Here We Go pappy's Road To Recovery!

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  • #31
    Guys really get a new topic! Only reason why I posted that yesterday was to get a laugh, that was it everyone else here is making this into a soap opera! I never called anyone out especially not John and he was not in the least bit offended!
    This whole thing is ridiculous and i am sick of it, I ask for some advice that was it! I shared a story on how I was an idiot who got beat by a service, I didn't think I was going to be scrutinized, my mistake will never happen again!


    • #32
      I guess I'm in the minority here? Who cares if Pappy can spell or uses correct grammar. I don't understand the correlation between making big bucks and spelling. Do I believe Pappy delimma? Who am I to judge?

      Simply, if the members are 'bored' with this thread STOP POSTING. It'll fade away. Aside from BC and Wayne NO member has the right to 'censor' what gets posted.



      • #33
        Frank I couldn't agree more, Thank you!


        • #34
          Frank-You make a great point, and I personally will not post anything more about topic, as I think it has has been exhausted.
          If pappy and other people want to continue to go on with this, god bless.
          As stated from my perspective the only reason the thing got as much attention as it did was because the $185000 figure cited attracted a lot of notice.
          I will stick by my contention that in a relative sense, the $185000 lost doesn't mean anywhere as much to pappy as it would to the vast majority of people who post here.
          For me anyways, case closed!


          • #35
            Frank the biggest thing about the spelling is simple. I could care less if someone spells wrong when i read a post. It happens ALL the time BUT your only way to get a read on someone in computer land is what they show you. Perception is what "You" the typist makes it. Don't you read your post before hitting submit? I always do and still miss a mistake now and then. My point is if the user name said Donald Trump and his post looked like pappys did, would you believe it's Mr. Trump? I think your kidding yourself if you say yes. It wasn't 1 or 2 letters, it was whole words and someone dealing with financial trading like he does simply wouldn't post like that.

            Basically throwing up red flags to everyone!

            And frank i've been around high rollers before(certainly not cause i am one) and they were about as secretive with their gambling as it gets. They certainly would not go to an open forum and state the amount lost. NO WAY!

            If anything they would lurk for awhile to find someone they liked then follow. I'm sorry but i'm sick of the poor pappy stories every single day and it looks like alot of the Forum agrees. Hell if we all knew the guy maybe it would be different but we don't know anything about him or the story. Have you seen the shit that goes on in the internet world? GEEEEEZ!


            • #36
              I still agree with you Wayne!!! I don't judge anyone but it sounds like the guy who wanted people to send money because he was down $900 and where is He at now? Not saying pappy wants anyone to send him money or anything, just sounds like it could lead to a Con job!!! Pappy, I wish you the Best and I would do anything to help out!!! If you mean what you say, just continue to ride EZ and I wish you the Best of Luck!!! We just look after each other on here!!! Best of Luck!!! knock!


              • #37
                I'm not trying to bust balls here but anyone that has been here awhile knows that we have monitors for a reason. Time and time again we come across scammers and so on. We try to weed them out as fast as they get here to keep the board clear of internet pollution.

                Frank i already noticed in another thread that you were making fun of the spelling. That's fine but i bet you wouldn't even believe the members here caught using 2,3,4, and sometimes more user names. BC tries to weed them out but i noticed one post within the last couple days. They were not banned cause they didn't use the multiple names in a harmful way but their here.

                The spelling thing goes way back before you were here. Ask Phil Jr., mbates, or casheasy about it. Every single time we had a newbie with a WHOLE POST like his(pappy) trouble followed, and to this day i see threads with them misspelling EVERYTHING to make fun of them.

                It's something your quick to judge without alot of past knowledge here on the subject and that is surprising to me coming from you.


                • #38
                  I appreciate and respect that, thank you!


                  • #39
                    Dont' belief evrytiNg you reed. SpeliNg is nuthiNg. WiNiNg iss. God I miss Goldmember
                    You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


                    • #40


                      • #41

                        STOP RUINING MY FUN!!!
                        The Rice Truck is NEVER Wrong!!!

