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Read Frankb's Post Below About Services

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  • Read Frankb's Post Below About Services

    Ok, let me first start by saying it is 4:33 a.m. and i just got home getting blasted from the bar..........however, after seeing my colorado 10* lost , i read frank's post about services and thought i would share this story........

    I pick my friend up on my out, and after years of listening and learning, he has finally gotten to a point where he does not believe anything the services say and just bets what i or others who know something tell him...............however, as i am getting gas, i see him on the phone, and when i get in the car, i hear that ever so annoying screaming from the phone that could onlt be some loser he hangs up and tells me that some idiot (i have no clue who) has a 10,000,000 parlay of the year which was a game of the year..........instead of kicking him out of the car, i explained that whomever it was has his game of the year every day, but come to find out he snuck out of my sight, called the stupid thing for $15, bet some parlay which of course lost............

    when does it end??? look guys, do this for me...........i sat here for a month and monitored the free plays at bettortalk before i posted my first game.........i ended up 29-21 on my postings and was THRILLED............there is no possible way any service can know more than i do aboutcollege basketball.........people can know the same, but not more..........and those that know me know i do not talk crap...........on this site alone, i have been incredibly hot and then so cold, i could not win a game........THAT IS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Please do not waste your money with the services!!!!!!!! And READ DOC MERCERS POST IN FRANKS THREAD.

    My final thought is this:: the only reason you even consider services is because of their advertisements and screaming fake stats to you.........when someone says they are 30-5 or something stupid like that, understand it is impossible...........

    hope ot helps, sorry so long