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Some Food For Thought

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  • Some Food For Thought

    I have been playing Sean Michaels' and SGH plays for about 2 weeks, and after sunday that is going to stop. For the record Sean Michaels' liked UL Lafayette, Miss St, Va Commonwealth, and Wisc-Milwaukee tomorrow. Tonight he pulled some interesting shit. He had been giving his picks from M-F for free on recording since he lost his Guarenteed Play on Wake Forest last Sunday. He first checked in at around 7am EST, with 4 100,000* picks, Det, Pho, Mia, Mem...Then her preceded to change his mind about the Pistons, which he was correct, and use Toronto as a Free Pick. And he totaly called it, Det win but no cover. On to SGH, i found a little Trick if anyone cares. If you go to and you look at their advertisement on the right, they will list what game(s) the have a play on. The team listed first is the pick. I have been following that for about 9 days now. But seriously you dont want their picks, if it says game of the year, game of the month, game of minute, bet against it.

    In other matters, the Panthers won the Madden and Gameday video game super bowl challenges, the winner of Gameday is 7-0, and i think Madden is like 8-1, im not sure though.

    I was looking at some people who had their Super Bowl picks up i.e. Sean Michaels and Michael Cannon. Sean has a 10,000,000* parlay which is New England and the Over, and Michael Cannon has a $1,000,000,000 pick, i dont know what that is. Heres my probem, what the hell are you supposed to bet on that? A billion dollars? Let me pull that out of my ass. I think every capper should be forced on the 1-5 unit/star rating, at 10,000,000* how the hell do i figure out what to bet on that?

    Heres some teams think you should ride out until the end of the year:
    St Joes (i live in philly, in the A-10, they may win every game by 30+)
    UL Lafayette is heating up, and the sun bely sucks
    Miss St - very hot now
    Duke - why not, reddick is on fire BABY!!!!!!!
    Texas A&M - good home dog team, sleeper team, like them alot
    USC - this team is rolling now, dont go against them
    Mich St - dont worry, they will be fine, this team will go on a roll

    Heres who I think you should stay away from
    Kansas - this team is unpredictable and for having 2 stars, they miss Roy
    Pac 10 Road Favs - a no-no in my book, home teams come to play in the Pac 10
    SEC Road Favs - same deal
    Florida - way too streaky
    ST Johns - this team is in trouble, go against them until they win a game
    Loyola-Maryland - they snapped the losing streak, so another will be starting up

    NBA Tid Bits
    - I love the Rockets from here on out
    - go against the Nets when they play the West, especally on the road
    - stay away from any Sixer games, that team is the most unpredicatble
    - i love the Warriors at home, especailly + points
    - Spurs on the road are better than Spurs at home
    - just bet against the Bulls the rest of the year
    - stop believing the Magic can still win, they cant
    - Lebron is the truth
    - Carmello inherited a team already rebuilding, Miller is the key to that team

    And finally my predictions
    i honestly like St joes to win the Final Four. the 1-2-1-1 is deadly, but you are hearing it here first, the 2004 NC will be Duke

    NBA Champs - Dallas Mavs

    NHL - i dont do hockey, but ill say teh Flyers, im biased

    and remember......if it looksk to good to be true, bet it and find out when its over
    Last edited by SeanieMac; 01-31-2004, 03:23 AM.
    Success will be the best revenge

  • #2
    nice...very nice!!:D
    "You're only as good as the effort you put forth!!"


    • #3
      Good Job

      That's worth saving. The one thing I disagree with is Dallas winning the NBA. I can't see them getting out of the West. They are still just a good shooting finesse team. How will they get by the Kings or even a healthy Lakers. Won't happen.


      • #4


        Interesting takes.......
        I have 2 questions.....

        "St Joes (i live in philly, in the A-10, they may win every game by 30+)
        UL Lafayette is heating up, and the sun bely sucks"

        Q#1: Who is "M" between St. Joes and UL-Laf ??

        And finally my predictions
        i honestly like St joes to win the Final Four. the 1-2-1-1 is deadly, but you are hearing it here first, the 2004 NC will be Duke

        Q#2: What is "the 2004 NC"?? National Champion??Good Luck,


        • #5
          AS FOR WHO "M" IS, I HAVE NO IDEA LOL!!!

          Success will be the best revenge

