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Services give themselves black eyes

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  • Services give themselves black eyes

    Sports services continue to give THEMSELVES black eyes. They scream they are ethical. They don't prey! They don't take advantage of the gullible.......

    Sports-Plays comes into our HOUSE starting a war. He wants us to believe he refunds money. In the same thread he admits services take advantage of the gullible. He condones it because the gullible is willing to part with their money.

    He follows that by posting selections in the contest 47 minutes after the games started. Maybe it was an honest mistake. I for one and I'm sure others have a hard time believing it was an honest mistake. IF it was an honest mistake that is something a service should be 110% certain that it never happens.

    Can anyone imagine being a client of his? Getting the game 45 minutes after it started.

  • #2
    Agreed. One time, before I wised up, I actually paid for a pick and got it after the game started. They said they were having computer problems and would either give me a refund or tomorrows plays. I, like an idiot, chose tomorrows plays. They only had one and it was much lower rated and of course lost. Rookie mistake.


    • #3


      Well said my man.

      Can't imagine anyone paying for plays...let alone receiving the picks after tip-off.
      Very shoddy indeed....

      Always consider the source!

      Good Luck To All Honest Cappers,
      Last edited by FastBreak; 01-31-2004, 09:30 AM.


      • #4
        Frank-Any service which would say/imply initially that there are a lot of gullible people out there is a deadpan giveaway.
        The service if saying in effect, to coin the cliche, "there is a sucker born every day and I am going to cash in no matter what it takes";case closed.
        This is obviously same philosophy used by some of our "favorite" paid cappers like Jack Price and Ty Gaston, just to name a few.


        • #5
          To all services:

          I love when you call me .... I really do as I usually get your
          reps so pissed off that they hang up ... funny how NO services
          can be found if you call information .... funny how NO services
          have their GUARANTEES in writing .... I really find that laughable
          since my company has in writing our outlined guarantee that is
          easy to understand and signed by my attorney ..... funny how the services that ARE NOT MONITORED just so happen to be the
          guys that are hitting between 70-75% on their games ... funny
          how the reps in these boiler room operations are all POUNDING
          their local books between 3-5 dimes per game? Wow, between
          3-5 dimes per games and on the phone begging for money??
          funny how NO services have any more info than you or me and yet they claim "that we pay for information the public does not
          have access to" - yeah, like we don't have $5 to buy a copy of
          the Gold Sheet? ....

          Fellas, go find a copy of the November 18(???), 1991 issue of
          Sports Illustrated ... cover story ... SI busted the Sports Service industry wide open for the scam industry it truely is .... SI planted reporters inside some of the services and SI payed for picks from
          services like Stu Feiner ..... Read it and trust me: YOU WILL never
          shell out one dime EVER

          Sports Services are like the clowns ya see on the info commercials such as Don Laprere ... all selling DREAMS @ best ...
          services are nothing but boiler room operations ... hire young kids with a lot of energy and let em go on the phones .... the info they have comes from newspapers and publications like the Gold Sheet ... one of the first 2-3 questions they will ask you is: "how much do ya play per game?" The reason that question is asked is to determine how much to charge you .... their PATENTED response when ya ask why they need to know is: "so I can see how much money I can make you ..." Ask them if they are monitored and they will give you their story about how monitoring services are all bought and paid for .... really? Funny how the "legit" services that are monitored and do well hit between 55-58% yet the scams not monitored are all hitting over 70%

          Guys ... bottom line: Services DO NOT have inside info ... they DO NOT have scouts in the field .... they DO NOT have info on Hold games .... they DO NOT have gameplans (that one kills me) .... they have access to the same info as you and me

          DO NOT waste your time or money on these Carnival Workers ....
          they prey on suckers and how they live with themselves is beyond me .... Most folks have a soul and conscience .... the rest work for sports services


          • #6
            Doc Mercer-whay you just wrote should be required reading for anyone who is even thinking about using a paid service.
            Just today Jack Price is claiming a combined 67-16 record in college abd pro basket so far in January(81%) and that a $100 bettor is up $10000. Need I say more?


            • #7
              Doc, that SI article is a classic! One of the big shot services hit around 30% for the SI guy and still tried to squeeze him for more money. The best story from that article is the one about the guy who had lost a ton and desparately wanted a bail out play for Monday Night. He calls up the service in a panic and says he needs a winner in the Minnesota - KC game BADLY! The phone jockey heads to the backroom and asks the scammer for his selection to give this poor sap. The guy says, " Well, my grandma's favorite color is purple so give him the Vikings". I'm certain this is a pretty common practice for these leaches. Diabolical!!


              • #8
                Here is a classic from Brian Mac's website:

                "One day while I was settling up with my bookie, he started bitching and moaning that the "Wiseguys" were killing him. Now I always knew there was such a thing as smart players and professional gamblers, but I had never heard of organized betting groups before. I was in pretty good with my bookie; seeing how I had donated so much money to his cause over the years betting those great "Sports Service Locks," so I picked his brain a bit. He told me they called them "Hot Games" and that all the bigger houses in town got hit with them at the same time. He said these guys were really putting a hurting on him. A light bulb went on over my head. Long story short, I made my first contact into the world of the "'Betting Syndicates" in 93. Coincidentally, that was the last year the famed "Kosher Boys" played baseball. You want to talk about winning money. Those guys collected millions and then took a powder at the All Star Break. My contacts were good back then, but they are much better now. I get the games early. I know the strengths (very important). Right now as I write this (8/4/03), I'm currently on a nice 24-8 run with Major League Baseball on my last 32 plays."

                How ridiculous is this? Just think, if books were truly getting killed by the "syndicates" that he mentions then they would know who the syndicates were on as soon as Brian Mac released his selections. They could just take the game off the board and save themselves those "millions" of dollars in losses due to these wise guys. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

                Additionally, Brian Mac must not understand that a book just wants to even the bets and collect the vig.

                The only thing wise about Brian Mac is his ability to get those that have already been scammed by a service to trust him.
                Who let the dogs out?


                • #9
                  Go on Dogpick, keep showing your ignorance when qualified folks(even if you don't believe me) like Goldencontender rightfully and accurately put you down.
                  Goldencontender from his ACTUAL experience showed he knowed what he was talking about re: Brian Mac, whereas you are simpy speaking off the cuff;not that I needed anyone to verify what I thought, but now I feel more confident than ever with my beliefs.


                  • #10
                    dogpick are you a service or a consensus site?


                    • #11

                      Brian Mac is simply a guy who took the free consensus marketing approach pioneered by the Sports Book Store in 1987 (claimed to have a worker at the sports book store -- a mythical place where a phantom book released lines 8 hours early to wise guys to test the lines for weakness) and Associated Sports in 1989 (claimed to have access to smaller winning services that no one ever heard of) and took it to a new level.

                      He hit a public hot button with the sports syndicates and made a pile of money. This two ton bucket of lard who doubles as a booker for birthday party clowns has no more access to syndicate plays than you or I.

                      Its a good concept though because in releasing 4 or 5 "different" groups, statistics will tell you that 1 or 2 will usually have a decent week and of course the 1-2 that have the bad records can be replaced by "hotter" groups new on the scene.


                      • #12
                        Bigbaddog-that laughable post is old news if you want to call it that and was debunked a longtime ago.i


                        • #13
                          Guys I'm sorry! Until proven likewise there are NO honest services. I think many services start out intending to make their clients money. After a period of time they realize picking winners and keeping their clients happy is a losing proposition. At some point they switch from doing right by their clients to doing right for themselves.

                          Let's face it. It's a thankless business. If they pick 55% winners their clients will not be happy. They have themselves partially to blame. Most claim 60%+ winners.


                          • #14

                            Free consensus ads run by those services are documented. They still exist in copies of old magazines and the National Sports Daily. And in fact I worked for Associated Sports for a short time in 1991 so you can't say that was debunked because I in fact was THERE.

                            As far as Mr Binetti's identity and occupation prior to becoming "Brian Mac" I'd like to see your proof.
                            Since is was debunked so long ago that is.


                            • #15
                              Brian Mac is not some overweight slob;he is 6'+ and in great shape from what others have said , and same folks have stated that his girlfriend is a knockout.
                              That rubbish you posted was put up by some envious lowlife who posts bs about any service which has proven it can win.
                              Try harder to come up with some better smut next time.
                              Go read goldencontender's remarks re: Brian Mac on another thread before you embarrass yourself with your nonsense/drivel.
                              Last edited by savage1; 02-01-2004, 02:37 PM.

