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A question about posted ATS records

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  • A question about posted ATS records

    I'm fairly new around here. What do the other board members consider proper 'etiquette' regarding member's ATS records?

    I don't want to discourage any member from posting their selections. However, I believe members who post selections should post either no ATS record or their ATS record on only the selections they posted. In other words, does any member care if another member went 7-2 the last 3 days if that member hasn't posted any selections?

    Also, should a member challenge other members regarding inaccurate ATS records?

  • #2
    You are right about that. Nobody gives a damn about what one did besides what he posted before the games. So those games posted should be the only ones counted in your record.

    As far as the challenge part, that's OK as long as you don't do it in too argumentative a fashion.
    Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


    • #3

      I really dont have the time to look at others records and kinda give credit because of the integrity of members here . Since I am here alot I have a decent take on whos zoomin who and who aint .

      I know there are watchers here who tend to keep things on the up & up and they are needed also , to if nothing else seperate the butter from the creme . savage1 keeps a fair eye on me because hes usually the one that will tell me a certain team didnt cover which I posted did , I scan numbers by the tons all day everyday and on occasion will flap a play or two.

      But I also think its acceptable to ask if thier has been a mis-calculation if you see a mistake to , because if nothing else your helping the one in question to set thier record straight which in the long-run does nothing but help them.

      They may tend to get defensive and if so .... let it go but you now know to watch even closer and always put a asterisk next to thier plays . Now if your ready to take the plunge , do so and if not I suggest not to use thier plays or imput .



      :cool: :cool: :cool:

      ps - if its me Im perfect
      " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


      • #4
        'Challenge' is too strong of a word. For integrity sake I think members owe it to other members by posting correct records and not inflated records.

        I agree! I feel a member should bring to a fellow members attention that a posted record is incorrect. Then leave it at that.

        MMM, no it's not you.


        • #5
          Well, I am a newbie here, but I have enough experience at an other forum to post a reply here:

          If you see somebody who is LYING with his/her record, then I would just stop reading his posts. It's the same like I would say I win every game but the one I post here.
          And it is very easy to find out who's a lying faker and who's an honest 'capper. I'm not talking about a bad run, but if you see the member has the faith to post even during a losing streak you should give credit to him/her. It takes a lot of balls to walk with the head straight up when Mr. Bad Luck is kicking you in your balls.

          I agree with MMM, if you have 20+ games each day in different sports you can not keep track in your private books and this
          forum easily.

          Wizz knows that I am old fashioned (despite my age) and that I believe in some things that are not very "cool" nowadays. Respect between gamblers is one of the things I have on my list. Our business is tough enough without a moron trying to shoot us when we are looking the other way, which is (virtually) happening way too often in the internet.
          Guess I drifted a little bit away from the topic...
          Too make the long story short:
          If you see the member is just making a mistake: Tell him NICE AND FRIENDLY!
          If you see the member is a faker: F'ck him!
          You need people like me so you can point your fingers and say Hey there's the bad guy! So, what does that make to you. Good guys? Don't kid yourselves. You're no better'n me. You just know how to hide and how to lie. Me, I do not have that problem. I always tell the truth, even when I lie!
          Tony Montana, Scarface


          • #6

            We might not have to "Tell him". This post will probably do it for us.

            I agree! We are human. We make mistakes. Someone like MMM who can post 30+ selections in a night will make honest mistakes. Someone who doesn't post often should be more diligent with their posted ATS record. A member who doesn't post selections everyday shouldn't post outstanding ATS records of unposted selections when their posted selections have been average.


            • #7
              Unposted ATS are for the toilett.
              One will never receive respect for such things...
              Talk is cheap...

              You need people like me so you can point your fingers and say Hey there's the bad guy! So, what does that make to you. Good guys? Don't kid yourselves. You're no better'n me. You just know how to hide and how to lie. Me, I do not have that problem. I always tell the truth, even when I lie!
              Tony Montana, Scarface


              • #8
                I'm going to let it go. Hoping the member has read this thread. If and when he posts again with 'miscalculated' records or records of unposted plays then I will call him on it.

