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Smiley Faces

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  • Smiley Faces

    How come none of mine move anymore? Even when i look at threads they are stable and the same when i look at the whole page of them. Am i the only one having this issue? If i am then i know it's on my end but if it's everyone then i know it's the site.

    Thanks for any help on this cause i'm REALLY Baffled! :confused: :confused:

  • #2
    are these what you are talking about.


    • #3
      I heard that you don't pay the smiley faces enough money so they went on strike when you post them in your posts.....unlike me, i also give them benefits (dental and medical) see >>
      "You like the odds of lightning?"


      • #4
        ha ha ha that is funny shit trotter


        • #5
          Leo, trotter....Yes!

          You didn't actually help me with the question.

          Those red faces that bounce up and down don't do that for me they just sit stable. Do they still bounce up and down for you or no?

          Showing them to me didn't answer much. :D :D


          • #6
            yea...they bounce around for me, have you done something with your PC in the past couple of days to cause this? Try rebooting your PC Wayne....:tongue:
            "You like the odds of lightning?"


            • #7

              When I'm running a process that hogs CPU (i.e. P@rty P0ker App) mine freeze too. Try rebooting your computer or closing some processes.
              The Rice Truck is NEVER Wrong!!!


              • #8
                you wouldn't believe this but the other day talking on goldvike's thread about his computer issues i told him i finally got a new dell. Well someone else on that thread said they had a nice Dell but it had some damn trojan virus. Last night before bed some virus alert came up saying it detected the trojan virus in my computer. When i tried to clean it out it said norton anti-virus was denied access to it. This morning it was there in a norton file and i deleted it then we did the whole scan in safe mode and it detected nothing infected or anything.

                I don't know for sure if we got rid of it cause we can't find it anymore but that's fucked up cause the guy just mentioned it the other day and i get it on our new computer. The Cpu seems to be working fine but that smiley face issue is something i've noticed.

                Norton scans everything that comes and goes and i watch it scan. How the hell i got this trojan thing is beyond me. Assholes that create virus' should be shot! You spend alot of money on a system just to have someone get a laugh fucking it up! :angryfire


                • #9
                  Try rebooting Wayne, if that doesn't work call Dell support and tell them what you just told us, i also have a Dell and they will help you out. Also, you need to visit this website >>>


                  click on "libraries of answers that work"....then click on "downright usefull downloads" in the top right, you will find many great FREE downloads to help your PC.....if you don't have it you need to download " Ad-Aware 6" in the "Internet Access, Tools & Security" area...."Zone alarm" is also in that area....look over the site, you'll find many downloads that can help in Spyware and such....

                  You must have got that virus from an e-mail, do you not have a firewall?
                  "You like the odds of lightning?"


                  • #10
                    Yes we have a firewall and everything that comes in and out is scanned right in front of your eyes by Norton...... How did it get through i wonder?

                    I will check those things out trotter.

                    Thanks alot


                    • #11
                      Got them back. Somehow the show web animations in the internet options was turned off????? I just turned it back on and now they work.

                      THANKS!!!:D :D


                      • #12

                        you computer geek:tongue:

                        Still download what i told you to Wayne, it will help with Spyware and such.....
                        "You like the odds of lightning?"


                        • #13
                          i downloaded zone but it kept asking me with every web page and so on if i wanted to open it and shit. It was annoying and i uninstalled that thing.

                          I'm not very good when it comes to figuring out computer problems. That was a pretty cool link you left me with some interesting things.

                          Thanks for the help brother! :D :tongue: :D


                          • #14
                            it only asks you that once...the purpose of it is for pop ups(if you don't have a pop up problem then don't worry about that one)...but get the 'ad-aware 6' (when you run ad-aware for the first time let me know how many "objects" it finds, mind found 97)
                            "You like the odds of lightning?"


                            • #15
                              The first time I ran Ad-aware, it found 32 items. Should I be deleting these? Are they bad things?????:confused: :confused:

